This Emacs library divides the screen into zones and executed actions when those zones are touched. This is done by parsing the output from the libinput tools.
For a video demostration, see this blog post.
This isn't a turnkey solution package: It's more of a framework that has a bunch of example actions (i.e., the ones I'm using to control my specific touch-screen/Emacs video browser/mpv player). To use this, you have to understand Emacs Lisp and hack a bit, but the general framework should be sound. Soundish.
The general idea works under both Wayland and X, but it's been moving more in a wayland direction lately.
On Ubuntu, your user needs to be in the input group to be able to access the events.
$ sudo adduser `whoami` input
We also need programs to parse the inputs and do various actions:
$ sudo apt install libinput-tools xdotool pqiv
A utility that's useful for controlling the screen under Wayland/Gnome:
The main idea is to define a grid (how detailed is you to you) and fill in the actions you want to have happen. Here's a grid of actions for a video player:
(backward-1m backward-10s pause forward-10s forward-1m)
(backward-1m backward-10s pause forward-10s forward-1m)
(none none quit none none )
(grid none pause none none )
(keyboard none pause none show-progress)
When you tap on the "pause" box, the touchgrid--pause function will be called, which should then do whatever's needed to pause the video player. A likely command would be to use xdotool to focus the player and then send it a SPC command, or whatever the video player uses.
The touchgrid.el file has a bunch of commands that I use for an Emacs-based video browser that then calls mpv and communicates over the mpv command socket. See for details.