Try is a package that allows you to try out Emacs packages without installing
them. If you pass a URL to a plain text .el
-file it evaluates the content,
without storing the file.
Packages from ELPA will be stored in a temporary directory by default.
You can install Try using elpa.
It's available on melpa:
M-x package-install try
To try out a package you can run
M-x try RET some-package
Or if you want to try out some package from the web, just paste in the URL
M-x try RET
If you for instance have melpa in your package-archives
you can try multiple cursors
by running:
M-x try RET multiple-cursors RET
If you on the other hand want to test out a single .el
-file from somewhere
you can simply insert an URL. Trying out
Leuven-theme can be done by
M-x try RET RET
Unfortunately, you won't be able to try Try with M-x try RET try .