Daniel Walker
David Khourshid
A sample SPA (single page app) for WordCamp Orlando 2015. This is a demonstration of how to put a SPA into a wordpress theme. We use the plugin called JSON-API and ACF for the actual Patronus specific fields.
###Getting Started
clone the project then:
npm install
homepress start
After that, to turn the VM on or off use:
vagrant up
vagrant halt
###WordPress Setup.
Activate the json-api
and acf
You'll need to import the ACF (advanced custom fields) found in dev/advanced-custom-fields-export.xml
Then go create some patronuses.
Hitting: GET http://homepress.app/api/get_posts/?post_type=patronus
will list the patronuses.
To show one, do: http://homepress.app/api/get_posts/?post_type=patronus&post_id=<ID>