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laspsandoval committed Apr 9, 2024
1 parent 06587bf commit dc2eb32
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Showing 11 changed files with 46,296 additions and 0 deletions.
69 changes: 69 additions & 0 deletions imap_processing/tests/ultra/unit/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
import pandas as pd

from imap_processing import imap_module_directory
from imap_processing.ultra.l1b.lookup_utils import (

base_path = f"{imap_module_directory}/ultra/lookup_tables"

def test_get_y_adjust():
"""Tests function get_y_adjust."""
# TODO: Add more test cases and data

yadjust_path = f"{base_path}/yadjust.csv"
yadjust_df = pd.read_csv(yadjust_path).set_index("dYLUT")

res = get_y_adjust(8)

assert res == yadjust_df["dYAdj"][8]

def test_get_stop_norm():
"""Tests function get_stop_norm."""
# TODO: Add more test cases and data

tdc_norm_path = f"{base_path}/ultra45_tdc_norm.csv"
tdc_norm_df = pd.read_csv(tdc_norm_path, header=1)

stop_norm = get_norm(378, "TpSpENorm", "ultra45")

assert stop_norm == tdc_norm_df["SpE"][378]

def test_get_back_position():
"""Tests function get_stop_norm."""
# TODO: Add more test cases and data

back_pos_path = f"{base_path}/ultra45_back-pos-luts.csv"
back_pos_df = pd.read_csv(back_pos_path, index_col="Index_logical")

dn_converted = get_back_position(-2000, "XBkBt", "ultra45")

assert dn_converted == back_pos_df["XBkBt"][-2000]

def test_get_egy_norm():
"""Tests function get_stop_norm."""
# TODO: Add more test cases and data

egy_norm_path = f"{base_path}/EgyNorm.mem.csv"
egy_norm_df = pd.read_csv(egy_norm_path)

norm_composite_energy = get_energy_norm(2, 2)

assert norm_composite_energy == egy_norm_df.iloc[2 * 4096 + 2]["NormEnergy"]

def test_get_image_params():
"""Tests function get_image_params."""
# TODO: Add more test cases and data

image_params = get_image_params("XFtLtOff")

assert image_params == 4880
Empty file.
179 changes: 179 additions & 0 deletions imap_processing/ultra/l1b/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
"""Contains tools for lookup tables for l1b."""

import re

import pandas as pd

from imap_processing import imap_module_directory

base_path = f"{imap_module_directory}/ultra/lookup_tables"

def get_y_adjust(dy_lut: int):
Adjust the front yf position based on the particle's trajectory.
Instead of using trigonometry, this function utilizes a 256-element lookup table
to find the Y adjustment. For more details, refer to pages 37-38 of the
IMAP-Ultra Flight Software Specification document (7523-9009_Rev_-.pdf).
dy_lut : int
Change in y direction used for the lookup table (mm).
yadj : int
Y adjustment (mm).
yadjust_path = f"{base_path}/yadjust.csv"
yadjust_df = pd.read_csv(yadjust_path).set_index("dYLUT")

if dy_lut < 0:
dy_lut = 0
yadj =[dy_lut, "dYAdj"]

return yadj

def get_norm(dn: int, key: str, file_label: str):
Correct mismatches between the stop Time to Digital Converters (TDCs).
There are mismatches between the stop TDCs, i.e., SpN, SpS, SpE, and SpW.
Before these can be used, they must be corrected, or normalized,
using lookup tables.
Further description is available on pages 31-32 of the IMAP-Ultra Flight Software
Specification document (7523-9009_Rev_-.pdf).
dn : int
DN of the TDC.
key : str
TpSpNNorm, TpSpSNorm, TpSpENorm, or TpSpWNorm.
BtSpNNorm, BtSpSNorm, BtSpENorm, or BtSpWNorm.
file_label : str
Instrument (ultra45 or ultra90).
Note: This will work for both Tp{key}Norm and Bt{key}Norm
This is for getStopNorm and getCoinNorm.
dn_norm : int
Normalized DNs.
# We only need the center string, i.e. SpN, SpS, SpE, SpW
match ="(Sp[NSEW])", key)
search_key =

tdc_norm_path = f"{base_path}/{file_label}_tdc_norm.csv"
tdc_norm_df = pd.read_csv(tdc_norm_path, header=1)

dn_norm =[dn, search_key]

return dn_norm

def get_back_position(back_index: int, key: str, file_label: str):
Convert normalized TDC values using lookup tables.
The anodes behave non-linearly near their edges; thus, the use of lookup tables
instead of linear equations is necessary. The computation will use different
tables to accommodate variations between the top and bottom anodes.
Further description is available on page 32 of the
IMAP-Ultra Flight Software Specification document (7523-9009_Rev_-.pdf).
back_index : int
dn_norm (output from get_norm).
Options include SpSNorm - SpNNorm + 2047, SpENorm - SpWNorm + 2047,
SpSNorm - SpNNorm + 2047, or SpENorm - SpWNorm + 2047
key : str
XBkTp, YBkTp, XBkBt, or YBkBt
file_label : str
Instrument (ultra45 or ultra90).
dn_converted : int
Converted DNs to Units of hundredths of a millimeter.
back_pos_path = f"{base_path}/{file_label}_back-pos-luts.csv"
back_pos_df = pd.read_csv(back_pos_path, index_col="Index_logical")

dn_converted =[back_index, key]

return dn_converted

def get_energy_norm(ssd, composite_energy):
Normalize composite energy per SSD using a lookup table.
Further description is available on page 41 of the
IMAP-Ultra Flight Software Specification document
ssd : int
Acts as index 1.
composite_energy : int
Acts as index 2.
Note: There are 8 SSDs containing
4096 composite energies each.
norm_composite_energy : int
Normalized composite energy.
energy_norm_path = f"{base_path}/EgyNorm.mem.csv"
energy_norm_df = pd.read_csv(energy_norm_path)

row_number = ssd * 4096 + composite_energy
norm_composite_energy =[row_number, "NormEnergy"]

return norm_composite_energy

def get_image_params(image: str):
Lookup table for image parameters.
Further description is available starting on
page 30 of the IMAP-Ultra Flight Software
Specification document (7523-9009_Rev_-.pdf).
ssd : int
Acts as index 1.
composite_energy : int
Acts as index 2.
Note: There are 8 SSDs containing
4096 composite energies each.
value_sw : int
Image parameter.
image_params_path = f"{base_path}/Ultra90_image-params071823.xlsx"
image_params_df = pd.read_excel(
usecols=["Name", "Value (SW)"],
value_sw = image_params_df.loc[image, "Value (SW)"]

return value_sw

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