Configures an already-installed IRIX system.
- Host with ansible installed
- IRIX target host with telnet available
Make a new file ~/.vault_pass.txt with your vault password in it. If your password is 'password', the file will only contain 'password'.
Delete group_vars/default/vault.yml , and make your own file that looks like this:
su_password: your_passwd
Then encrypt it:
ansible-vault encrypt group_vars/default/vault.yml --vault-password-file ~/.vault_pass.txt
Examine and modify the inventory.yml file (in the top level directory) to match your local requirements.
Run the bootstrap playbook on a system that has just been installed. It expects the root password to be blank.
This playbook will:
- create an 'ansible' user
- copy several bundles via ftp
- install wget, python, and openssh
- start sshd
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml bootstrap.yml --vault-password-file ~/.vault_pass.txt
Examine and modify the master_setup playbook to your liking, then run it. You can comment out unneeded roles.
The master_setup playbook currently:
- installs nekodeps
- installs base packages
- sets up bash as an available shell
- adds a user
- enables remote x11
- configures ntp
- installs findutils
- performs security hardening
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml -u ansible master_setup.yml -k --become-method=su --vault-password-file ~/.vault_pass.txt
When prompted for "SSH password", enter 'ansible'.