Deploy (B)ELK stack with Ansible Docker and monitor the Docker deployment itself.
This Ansible project deploys a fully configured ELK stack secured by a Nginx proxy. For each service there is an Ansible role. Services can be deployed independently.
- clean - Cleanup task for all docker containers
- docker - Checks if docker daemon is up and running
- elasticsearch - Deploys elasticsearch container
- kibana - Deploys Kibana container
- logstash - Deploys Logstash container
- nginx - Deploys Nginx proxy with LetsEncrypt certificates
- heartbeat - Deploys uptime metric container
- heartbeat-watcher - Custom node app that watches the heartbeat index
- metricbeat - Deploys container that collects host system metrics
- filebeat - Deploys container that forwards log files
The target Docker host requires the following packages:
- Docker
- Pip
sudo apt-get install python-pip
- Ansible Docker module
sudo su; pip install docker
- Passwordless sudo for ansible user
Create a password file.
echo "$VAULTPASSWORD" > .vault_pass
Make it executable.
chmod 600 .vault_pass
Deploying to localhost requires local ssh access.
Install ssh server.
sudo apt install openssh-server
Copy the public key.
echo $SSHKEY >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Enable passwordless sudo login.
sudo /bin/bash -c "echo \"$USERNAME ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL\" >> /etc/sudoers"
Test ssh access.
ssh $USERNAME@localhost
Test connection
ansible all -m ping -i inventory
Deploy elk stack
ansible-playbook -i inventory elk.yml
Deploy role only
ansible-playbook -i inventory elk.yml --tags logstash
Deploy role to localhost
ansible-playbook -i inventory elk.yml --tags nginx --extra-vars "ehosts=local"
Deploy role to localhost with non-default user
ansible-playbook -i inventory elk.yml --tags nginx --extra-vars "ehosts=local" -u username
Clean elk stak
ansible-playbook -i inventory elk-clean.yml
Clean role only
ansible-playbook -i inventory elk-clean.yml --tags logstash
Lint the project using Ansible lint.
ansible-lint elk.yml elk-clean.yml
If the ELK stack has been successfully deployed, you need to make manual configurations.
Create these index pattern:
Ensure maximum index size with by configuring the defualt lifecycle policies:
Maxium index size: 5 GB
Maxium documents: 15'000'000
Maxium age: 7 days
Maxium index size: 1 GB
Maxium documents: 3'000'000
Maxium age: 7 days
Maxium index size: 1 GB
Maxium documents: 3'000'000
Maxium age: 7 days
Enable Delete phase for all indexes with 1 hour from rollover.
Create lifecycle policy for syslog:
Policy name: syslog
Maximum index size: 5 GB
Maxium documents: 15'000'000
Maxium age: 7 days
Enable delete phase: 1 day from rollover
- Create and set the password of the elastic and kibana user automatically
- Encrypt connection to logstash beat and syslog input
- Ensure localhost deployment works with generated certificates
- Document role variables
- Check if the setup index template task is necessary for every beats role
List of connections:
- Logdrain → syslog://$HOSTNAME:5000 (!) this connection is not secured.
- Kibana dashboard → https://$HOSTNAME
- Elasticsearch → https://$HOSTNAME:9200
- Logstash beats → tcp://$HOSTNAME:5044 (!) this connection is not secured.
- Elasticsearch → https://$HOSTNAME:9200
- Kibana dashboard → http://kb01:5601
- Elasticsearch → http://es01:9200
- Elasticearch → http://es01:9200
- Logstash → tcp://$HOSTNAME:5044
Heartbeat Watcher
- Elasticsearch → https://$HOSTNAME:9200
- SMTP → smtp://$SMTPHOST:587
- Logstash → tcp://$HOSTNAME:5044
- Logstash → tcp://$HOSTNAME:5044
Collection of problems and soltions.
During the installation of the python docker package the following error occurs:
locale.Error: unsupported locale setting
We need to change the locale settings. Set it to us english in bash vim ~/.bashrc
export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"
export LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8"
Then run the installation again.