Simple standalone command line tool to decode and encode OOK protocols supported by "pilight" project.
Works on any libc/libc++ compatible system, like MacOS, FreeBSD, Linux, even Windows.
Based on PiCode library that provide a standard C/C++ library to should help to implement IoT bridges between the RF 433/315MHz band and internet protocols.
A large number of wireless protocols of RC switches and weather stations using the 433/315Mhz radio frequency band via ASK/OOK pulse modulation are implemented by the excellent work of the "pilight" community. A list of supported protocols can be found in the pilight manual:
$ git clone --recursive
$ cd picoder
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake .. (or "cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug .." for debug)
$ make
$ make install (optional)
$ make uninstall (to uninstall)
picoder <command> [options]
help | -h | --help --> show help
list [-h] [-e] [-d devtype] [-d devtype] ... --> list supported protocols and devices
[-h | --help] --> show command options
[-e | --encode] --> list encode support only protocols
[-d | --device devtype ] --> list device type only protocols
show [-h] -p protocol --> show protocol details
[-h | --help] --> show command options
[-p | --proto protocol] --> set protocol to show
encode [-h] -p protocol -j json [-r repeats] --> encode from protocol and json data
[-h | --help] --> show command options
[-p | --proto protocol] --> set protocol to encode
[-j | --json json-data] --> set json data to encode
[-f | --full-json json] --> set full json to encode
[-r | --repeats repeats] --> add repeats parameter from 1 to 32
[-t | --train] --> show pulse train
[-o | --only-train] --> show only pulse train
decode [-h] [ -s string | -t train ] --> decode pilight string or pulse train
[-h | --help] --> show command options
[-s | --string piligth-string] --> pilight string to decode
[-t | --train pulse-train] --> pulse train to decode
convert [-h] [ -s string | -t train ] --> coverts from/to pilight string to/from pulse train
[-h | --help] --> show command options
[-s | --string piligth-string] --> pilight string to convert
[-t | --train pulse-train] --> pulse train to convert
version | -v | --version --> show version details
- From protocol and json data:
$ picoder encode -p arctech_switch -j '{"id":92,"unit":0,"on":1}' c:010002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002020000020200020002000002000200020200000200020002000203;p:315,2835,1260,10710@
- From full json:
$ picoder encode -f '{ "conrad_rsl_switch" : {"id":1,"unit":2,"on":1} }' -r 5 c:011010100101011010100110101001100110010101100110101010101010101012;p:1400,600,6800;r:5@
$ picoder decode -s "c:011010100101011010100110101001100110010101100110101010101010101012;p:1400,600,6800@"
"protocols": [{
"conrad_rsl_switch": {
"id": 1,
"unit": 2,
"state": "on"
$ picoder convert -s "c:001010101100101010101010101010110010101102;p:700,1400,7650@"
$ picoder convert -t "325,768,2438,2082,1052,1632,94,111,82,882,332,595,81,87,275,913,1638,555,158,602,138,116,234,170,852,145,163,475,89,294,127,82,99,118,104,82,577,160,131,93,542,82,99,120,112,91,125,103,86,81,89,130,93,96,116,91,316,82,82,172,103,101,281,102,90,113,161,84,171,158,204,335,89,82,185,237,127,473,98,82,1090,845,357,81,515,143,198,8946"
$ picoder list
Encode Protocol Type Devices
[ ] alecto_ws1700 weather iBoutique Weather Stations
Alecto WS1700 Weather Stations
[ ] alecto_wsd17 weather Alecto WSD-17 Weather Stations
[ ] alecto_wx500 weather Balance RF-WS105 Weather Stations
Meteoscan W1XXX Weather Stations
Hama EWS1500 Weather Stations
Ventus WSXXX Weather Stations
Auriol H13726 Weather Stations
Alecto WX500 Weather Stations
[ ] arctech_contact contact D-IO Contact Sensor
KlikAanKlikUit Contact Sensor
[*] arctech_dimmer dimmer KlikAanKlikUit Dimmers
[ ] arctech_dusk dusk KlikAanKlikUit Dusk Sensor
[ ] arctech_motion motion KlikAanKlikUit Motion Sensor
[*] arctech_screen screen DI-O Screens
KlikAanKlikUit Screens
[*] arctech_screen_old screen Old KlikAanKlikUit Screens
[*] arctech_switch switch Intertechno Switches
CoCo Technologies Switches
Nexa Switches
D-IO Switches
KlikAanKlikUit Switches
[*] arctech_switch_old switch Düwi Terminal Switches
Bye Bye Standby Switches
Old Intertechno Switches
Cogex Switches
Old KlikAanKlikUit Switches
[ ] auriol weather Auriol Weather Stations
[*] beamish_switch switch beamish_switch Switches
[*] clarus_switch switch Clarus Switches
[*] cleverwatts switch Cleverwatts Switches
[ ] conrad_rsl_contact contact Conrad RSL Contact Sensor
[*] conrad_rsl_switch switch Conrad RSL Switches
[*] daycom switch Daycom switches
[*] ehome switch eHome Switches
[*] elro_300_switch switch Elro 300 Series Switches
[*] elro_400_switch switch Elro 400 Series Switches
[ ] elro_800_contact contact Elro Series 800 Contact
[*] elro_800_switch switch Maxi-Tronic FUNK-LIGHT switches
Brennenstuhl Comfort
Elro 800 series Switches
[*] eurodomest_switch switch Eurodomest Switches
[ ] ev1527 contact ev1527 contact sensor
[ ] fanju weather Fanju 3378 Weather Stations
[*] heitech switch Heitech series Switches
[*] impuls switch Impuls Switches
[ ] iwds07 contact Golden Security iwds07 contacts
[ ] kerui_D026 contact KERUI D026 Door sensor
[*] logilink_switch switch Logilink Switches
[*] mumbi switch Mumbi Switches
[ ] nexus weather Sencor SWS 21TS Weather Stations
Digoo DG-R8H/DG-R8S Weather Stations
Nexus Weather Stations
[ ] ninjablocks_weather weather Ninjablocks Weather Sensors
[*] pollin switch Pollin Switches
[*] quigg_gt1000 switch Quigg GT-1000 protocol
[*] quigg_gt7000 switch Quigg GT-7000 Switches
[*] quigg_gt9000 switch Quigg GT-9000 remote with GT-FSi-06 switches
[*] quigg_screen screen Quigg Switch Screen
[*] rc101 switch rc102 Switches
rc101 Switches
[*] rev1_switch switch Rev Switches v1
[*] rev2_switch switch Rev Switches v2
[*] rev3_switch switch Rev Switches v3
[*] rsl366 switch Pro MAX Switches
RSL366 Switches
[ ] sc2262 contact sc2262 contact sensor
[ ] secudo_smoke_sensor alarm Secudo/FlammEx smoke sensor
[*] selectremote switch SelectRemote Switches
[*] silvercrest switch Silvercrest Switches
[*] smartwares_switch switch Smartwares Switches
[ ] tcm weather TCM 218943 weather stations
[*] techlico_switch switch TechLiCo Lamp
[ ] teknihall weather Teknihall Weather Stations
[ ] tfa2017 weather TFA 30.X Temp Hum Sensor Revision 09/2017
[ ] tfa30 weather TFA 30.X Temp Hum Sensor
[ ] tfa weather Globaltronics GT-WT-01 Weather Station
Freetec NC7104-675 Weather Station
SOENS Weather Stations
Conrad Weather Stations
TFA weather stations
[*] x10 switch x10 based devices
$ picoder show -p mumbi
Protocol: mumbi
Encode: Supported
Device type: 1 (switch)
Devices: Mumbi Switches
MinRawLen: 50 uSecs
MaxRawLen: 50 uSecs
MinGapLen: 10438 uSecs
MaxGapLen: 10778 uSecs
Option: (Id) Name Arg Conf Regexp mask
(0) confirm 2 6 ^[10]{1}$
(0) confirm 2 6 ^[10]{1}$
(f) off 1 2
(t) on 1 2
(u) unitcode 2 1 ^(3[012]?|[012][0-9]|[0-9]{1})$
(s) systemcode 2 1 ^(3[012]?|[012][0-9]|[0-9]{1})$
-s --systemcode=systemcode control a device with this systemcode
-u --unitcode=unitcode control a device with this unitcode
-t --on send an on signal
-f --off send an off signal
- Support for value change dump "vcd" output format (to Logical/Wave Analyzers)
- Support for pilight-send input format (pilight-send -p quigg_gt7000 -i 2816 -u 1 -f)
Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Jorge Rivera. All right reserved.
License GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (lgpl-3.0).