Lockdown UNix Auditing and Reporting
Run this code in audit more only, e.g. with -a or --audit switch. Run lockdown at your own risk. As per any system change, have backups.
I've tried to clean up this script as much as possible using shellcheck, and I've used the -e (errexit) and -u (nounset) shell flags to help protect against errors. The -x (xtrace) shell flag can be enabled by using the script with the -Q or --debug flag.
If you run into errors, you can disable the -e and -u flags, by running the script with the -q or --nostrict flag.
Current version 10.0.8
Refer to lunar.sh and changelog for more up to date version information
This scripts generates a scored audit report of a Unix host's security. It is based on the CIS and other frameworks. Where possible there are references to the CIS and other benchmarks in the code documentation.
Why a shell script? I wanted a tool that was able to run on locked down systems where other tools may not be available. I also wanted a tool that ran on all versions of UNIX. Having said that there are some differences between sh and bash, so I've used functions only from sh.
There is no warranty implied or given with this script. My recommendation is to use this script in audit mode only, and address each warning individually via policy, documentation and configuration management.
I am by no means a coder, so there are bound to be bugs and better ways to approach things in this script, so a sincere thank you to the people who have provided feedback, updates and patches to fix bugs/features in code.
It can also can perform a lockdown. Unlike some other scripts I have added capability to backout changes. Files are backed up using cpio to a directory based on the date.
Although it can perform a lockdown, as previously stated, I'd recommend you address the warnings via policy, documentation and configuration management. This is how I use the tool. The AWS Services audit only supports reporting, it does not provide lockdown capability.
The following Operating Systems are supported:
- Linux
- Rocky Linux
- Centos
- Scientific Linux
- Debian
- Ubuntu
- Amazon Linux
- Solaris
- Mac OS X
- FreeBSD (needs more testing)
- AIX (needs more testing)
- ESXi (initial support - some tests)
Windows support would require the installation of additional software, so I haven't looked into it. Having said that, Windows support may come in the future via bash.
The following services are supported:
- Docker
- Kubernetes (not complete)
- Apache (not complete)
The AWS Services audit uses the AWS CLI, and as such requires a user with the appropriate rights. It does not currently support the lockdown capability, it only supports generating an audit report against the CIS benchmark.
There are a couple of the checks that can only be done or resolved via the GUI. An example of this is enabling billing. Refer to the CIS Benchmark for more information.
Where possible I've put suggested fix commands in the verbose audit output. Again in some cases, these can only be done by the CLI. Refer to the CIS Benchmark for more information.
In addition I've added a recommendations mode that checks AWS against publicly available best practice from companies like Cloud Conformity.
The following configuration management output is supported:
- Ansible
This option outputs example ansible configuration management code/stanzas for implementing the recommendation.
- Ubuntu / Debian
- sysv-rc-conf
- bc
- finger
For AWS:
- AWS Credentials (API Access and Secret Keys)
- Read rights to appropriate AWS services, e.g.
- CloudTrail:DescribeTrails
- Config:DescribeConfigurationRecorders
- SNS:ListSubscriptionsByTopic
Usage: ./lunar.sh [OPTIONS...]
-a | --audit Run in audit mode (for Operating Systems - no changes made to system)
-A | --fullaudit Run in audit mode (for Operating Systems - no changes made to system)
[includes home directory and filesystem checks which take some time]
-b | --backups List backup files
-B | --basedir Base directory for work
-c | --distro Distro/Code name (used with docker/multipass)
-C | --shell Run docker-compose testing suite (drops to shell in order to do more testing)
-d | --dockeraudit Run in audit mode (for Docker - no changes made to system)
-D | --dockertests List all Docker functions available to selective mode
-e | --host Run in audit mode on external host (for Operating Systems - no changes made to system)
-E | --hash Password hash
-f | --action Action (e.g delete - used with multipass)
-F | --tempfile Temporary file to use for operations
-g | --giturl Git URL for code to copy to container
-G | --wheelgroup Set wheel group
-h | --help Display help
-H | --usage Display usage
-i | --anacron Enable/Disable anacron
-k | --kubeaudit Run in audit mode (for Kubernetes - no changes made to system)
-l | --lockdown Run in lockdown mode (for Operating Systems - changes made to system)
-L | --fulllock Run in lockdown mode (for Operating Systems - changes made to system)
[includes home directory and filesystem checks which take some time]
-m | --machine Create and run in a VM (docker/multipass)
-M | --workdir Set work directory
-n | --ansible Output ansible code segments
-N | --nocat No cat in score output
-o | --name Set docker/multipass OS or container name
-O | --osinfo Print OS information
-p | --previous Show previous versions of file
-P | --sandbox Enable/Disabe SSH sandbox
-r | --region Specify AWS region
-R | --testinfo Print information for a specific test
-s | --select Run in selective mode (only run tests you want to)
-S | --unixtests List all UNIX functions available to selective mode
-t | --tag Set docker tag
-T | --tempdir Set temp directory
-u | --undo Undo lockdown (for Operating Systems - changes made to system)
-v | --verbose Verbose mode [used with -a and -A]
[Provides more information about the audit taking place]
-w | --awsaudit Run in audit mode (for AWS - no changes made to system)
-W | --awstests List all AWS functions available to selective mode
-V | --version Display version
-x | --awsrec Run in recommendations mode (for AWS - no changes made to system)
-z | --lockselect Run specified audit function in lockdown mode
-Z | --changes Show changes previously made to system
Perform full audit (without recursive file system checks):
./lunar.sh --audit
List tests:
./lunar.sh --tests
List AWS tests:
./lunar.sh --tests aws
Do a specific test:
./lunar.sh --audit --select remote_shell
Create a Ubuntu 24.04 multipass VM for testing:
./lunar.sh --action create --machine multipass --osver 24.04
This software is licensed as CC-BA (Creative Commons By Attrbution)
For more information refer to wiki:
Added a simple testing framework for debugging the lunar script itself. This uses docker compose to start a container, mount the lunar directory and run lunar.