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Quick start for modern LaTeXing with Springer Journals

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Simplified Springer Journal Template

Quick start for modern LaTeXing with Springer Journals

The files svjour3.cls, spbasic.bst, spmpsci.bst, spphys.bst are copyright by Springer. The are only allowed to be used when submitting to a journal published by Springer.


  • Provides a skeletal paper.tex file. See paper.pdf for a rendered result.
  • Ready-to-run configuration with BibTeX.
  • Linked DOI field.
  • Working configuration for microtype and cleveref.
  • natbib enabled as default.
  • Generated PDF allows for copy and paste of text without getting words with ligatures such as "workflow" destroyed. This is enabled by the cmap package, which encodes ligatures (such as fl) using unicode characters.
  • Automatic setting of "Fig." and "Section"/"Sect." according to the LNCS style. Just use \Cref{sec:xy} at the beginning of a sentence and \cref{sec:xy} in the middle of a sentence. Thanx to cleveref.
  • Support of hyperlinked references without extra color thanx to hyperref.
  • Better breaking of long URLs.
  • Sharper font (still compatible with Springer's requirements). See for a discussion.
  • Support for \powerset command.
  • Support todos as pdf annotations. This is enabled by the pdfcomment package.
  • microtypographic extensions for a better look of the paper.
  • Adds modern packages such as csquotes, paralist, hyperref, hypcap, upquote, booktabs, cfr-lm.
  • Optional: Support for minted package. Uncomment \usepackage[newfloat]{minted} to get started.
  • Optional: Compile with lualatex instead of pdflatex.
  • Ready-to-go configuration for latexindent.

Tool hints

There is currently no official biblatex support.

MiKTeX installation hints are given at

In case you want to get started using minted, do following steps:

  1. Install python: choco install python - that uses chocolatey to install Python
  2. Install pygments: pip instal pygments - that uses the Pyhton package manager to install the pygments library
  3. When latexing, use -shell-escape: pdflatex -shell-escape paper. You can also just execute latexmk paper.

Using the template with your git repository

  1. Initialize your git repository as usual
  2. Add this repository as upstream: git remote add upstream
  3. Merge the branch upstream/master into your master branch: git merge upstream/master.

After that you can use and push the master branch as usual. Notes on syncing with the upstream repository are available from GitHub.


Q: I get the error ! pdfTeX error (font expansion): auto expansion is only possible with scalable fonts.

Install the cm-super package using the MiKTeX package manager. Then, run initexmf --mkmaps on the command line. (Long description:

Q: How can I reformat my .tex files?

Execute latexindent -l -s -sl -w paper.tex

Q: How I want to obey the one-sentence-per-line rule.

Execute latexindent -m -l -s -sl -w paper.tex. Attention! This is work in progress and does not always produce best results.

Development Donate to koppor on Liberapay

Reindent: latexindent -y="indentPreamble:1,defaultIndent:' '" -m -w paper.tex

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