HELIOS is an open-source radiative transfer code, which is constructed for studying exoplanetary atmospheres in their full variety. The model atmospheres are one-dimensional and plane-parallel, and the equation of radiative transfer is solved in the hemispheric two-stream approximation with non-isotropic scattering. For given opacities and planetary parameters, HELIOS finds the atmospheric temperature profile in radiative-convective equilibrium and the corresponding planetary emission spectrum.
HELIOS is part of the Exoclimes Simulation Platform (ESP).
If you use HELIOS for your own work, please cite its two method papers: Malik et al. 2017 and Malik et al. 2019.
Any questions, issues or bug reports are appreciated and can be sent to malik@umd.edu.
Thank you for considering HELIOS!
A detailed documentation of HELIOS can be found here.
We provide a number of pre-calculated models for non-irradiated and irradiated planets for a different atmospheric abundances. The models are available for download from this server.
Further description of the files soon.