Pet owners can use Paw 2 Paw to find reliable sitters nearby. Sitters can accept/reject booking requests. After the event is over, pet owners can make reviews for sitters. Sitters can edit sitter profile and add availabilities. Pet owners(regular users) can also become sitters.
- Users can find sitters nearby base on their current location.
- Users can see the reviews and ratings of sitters.
- Users can make booking with sitters.
- Users can write reviews for sitters.
- Users can become sitters.
- Sitters can choose to accept or reject incoming booking request.
- Sitters can add availabities and edit their profiles.
Paw 2 Paw is a full stack web app, built with the following:
- Ruby on Rails
- PostgreSQL
- React
- Bootstrap
- ruby 2.5.0
- rails 5.2.0
- react-rails 2.4.6
- leaflet-rails 1.3.1
- geocoder 1.4.9
- carrierwave 1.2.3
- mini_magick 4.8.0
- owlcarousel-rails
- bcrypt 3.1.12
- bootstrap-sass 3.3.7
- webpacker 3.5.5
- jquery-rails 4.3.3
- babel-source 5.8.35
- react 16.4.2
- react-day-picker 7.1.10
- react_ujs 2.4.4
- @rails/webpacker 3.5
- babel-preset-react 6.24.1
- Clone the repository
- Install the gems:
bundle install
- Install the dependencies:
npm install
- Run and load database:
rails db:setup
- Visit default port: http://localhost:3000/