Tech Coffee Chat is a full stack app built using the MERN stack. Users can create a profile, login with authentication, and then be matched with other users for tech coffee chats & conference buddies.
Instant Messaging on the platform Instant Matches with others who are wanting to pair for coffee chats and go to conferences together
- Vision: To build a free platform to facilitate networking in the tech community
In app video chatting capabilities
Editor: Can be used for customization - to change themes & modes; to edit links, & profile information, add or remove elements etc
Additional pages that show you everyone's profiles that are using the app
Feedback: To report bugs, to suggest additional features
Buy me a coffee: to offer coffee to others for the coffee chat
Tech used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Ract Router, MongoDb, ExpressJs, NodeJs
Using React as a full stack with react router and axios
The repository uses files which can be cloned and served by a webserver.
The following sections describe different environments to get started.
#npm init #add in your db string #add in your .env file