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Fix #333, export kkpView symbol maps (#337)
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eldritchconundrum authored Apr 13, 2024
1 parent b034b5c commit 8f68b48
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Showing 9 changed files with 130 additions and 14 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Checker/main.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ type CliArguments =
interface IArgParserTemplate with
member s.Usage =
match s with
| Update_Golden _ -> "Update the golden tests"
| Skip_GLSL_Compile _ -> "Skip the GLSL compilation of shaders"
| Skip_Performance_Tests _ -> "Skip the tests of performance"
| Update_Golden -> "Update the golden tests"
| Skip_GLSL_Compile -> "Skip the GLSL compilation of shaders"
| Skip_Performance_Tests -> "Skip the tests of performance"

let cliArgs = ArgumentParser.Create<CliArguments>().ParseCommandLine()
//let cliArgs = ArgumentParser.Create<CliArguments>().ParseCommandLine([|"--update-golden"|])
Expand Down
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -138,6 +138,8 @@ OPTIONS:
--no-remove-unused Do not remove unused code
--move-declarations Move declarations to group them
--preprocess Evaluate some of the file preprocessor directives
Export kkpView symbol maps
--help display this list of options.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -278,6 +280,12 @@ the output. If two functions have a different number of arguments, they may have
the same name in the output. This reduces the number of identifiers used by the
shader and make it more compression friendly.

### kkpView symbol maps

Shader Minifier can export symbol files that map the minified code back to names
from the original source code. This lets you visualize shader size using

### Shader Minifier performance

On my machine, it takes around 1s to minify a shader. A lot of that time comes
Expand Down
19 changes: 12 additions & 7 deletions src/formatter.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,11 @@ open System
open System.IO
open Options.Globals

let minify shader =
if options.exportKkpSymbolMaps
then Printer.printAndWriteSymbols shader
else Printer.print shader.code

let private formatPrefix = function
| Ast.ExportPrefix.Variable -> "var"
| Ast.ExportPrefix.HlslFunction -> "F"
Expand All @@ -25,7 +30,7 @@ let private printCVariables out (shaders: Ast.Shader[]) exportedNames =
fprintfn out ""
for shader in shaders do
let name = (Path.GetFileName shader.filename).Replace(".", "_")
fprintfn out "const char *%s =%s \"%s\";" name Environment.NewLine (Printer.print shader.code)
fprintfn out "const char *%s =%s \"%s\";" name Environment.NewLine (minify shader)
fprintfn out ""

fprintfn out "#endif // %s" macroName
Expand All @@ -47,20 +52,20 @@ let private printCArray out (shaders: Ast.Shader[]) exportedNames =
fprintfn out ""
for shader in shaders do
fprintfn out "// %s" shader.filename
fprintfn out "\"%s\"," (Printer.print shader.code)
fprintfn out "\"%s\"," (minify shader)
fprintfn out ""

fprintfn out "#endif"

let private printNoHeader out (shaders: Ast.Shader[]) =
let str = [for shader in shaders -> Printer.print shader.code] |> String.concat "\n"
let str = [for shader in shaders -> minify shader] |> String.concat "\n"
fprintf out "%s" str

let private printIndented out (shaders: Ast.Shader[]) =
[for shader in shaders do
if shaders.Length > 1 then
yield "// " + shader.filename
yield Printer.print shader.code]
yield minify shader]
|> String.concat "\n\n"
|> fprintf out "%s"

Expand All @@ -73,7 +78,7 @@ let private printJSHeader out (shaders: Ast.Shader[]) exportedNames =
fprintfn out ""
for shader in shaders do
let name = (Path.GetFileName shader.filename).Replace(".", "_")
fprintfn out "var %s = `%s`" name (Printer.print shader.code)
fprintfn out "var %s = `%s`" name (minify shader)
fprintfn out ""

let private printNasmHeader out (shaders: Ast.Shader[]) exportedNames =
Expand All @@ -85,7 +90,7 @@ let private printNasmHeader out (shaders: Ast.Shader[]) exportedNames =
fprintfn out ""
for shader in shaders do
let name = (Path.GetFileName shader.filename).Replace(".", "_")
fprintfn out "_%s:%s\tdb '%s', 0" name Environment.NewLine (Printer.print shader.code)
fprintfn out "_%s:%s\tdb '%s', 0" name Environment.NewLine (minify shader)
fprintfn out ""

let private printRustHeader out (shaders: Ast.Shader[]) exportedNames =
Expand All @@ -97,7 +102,7 @@ let private printRustHeader out (shaders: Ast.Shader[]) exportedNames =
for shader in shaders do
fprintfn out ""
let name = (Path.GetFileName shader.filename).Replace(".", "_")
fprintfn out "pub const %s: &'static [u8] = b\"\\%s %s\\0\";" (name.ToUpper()) Environment.NewLine (Printer.print shader.code)
fprintfn out "pub const %s: &'static [u8] = b\"\\%s %s\\0\";" (name.ToUpper()) Environment.NewLine (minify shader)

let print out shaders exportedNames = function
| Options.IndentedText -> printIndented out shaders
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8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions src/options.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ type CliArguments =
| [<CustomCommandLine("--no-remove-unused")>] NoRemoveUnused
| [<CustomCommandLine("--move-declarations")>] MoveDeclarations
| [<CustomCommandLine("--preprocess")>] Preprocess
| [<CustomCommandLine("--export-kkp-symbol-maps")>] ExportKkpSymbolMaps
| [<MainCommand>] Filenames of filename:string list

interface IArgParserTemplate with
Expand All @@ -49,8 +50,8 @@ type CliArguments =
| Hlsl -> "Use HLSL (default is GLSL)"
| FormatArg _ -> "Choose to format the output (use 'text' if you want just the shader)"
| FieldNames _ -> "Choose the field names for vectors: 'rgba', 'xyzw', or 'stpq'"
| PreserveExternals _ -> "Do not rename external values (e.g. uniform)"
| PreserveAllGlobals _ -> "Do not rename functions and global variables"
| PreserveExternals -> "Do not rename external values (e.g. uniform)"
| PreserveAllGlobals -> "Do not rename functions and global variables"
| NoInlining -> "Do not automatically inline variables and functions"
| AggroInlining -> "Aggressively inline constants. This can reduce output size due to better constant folding. It can also increase output size due to repeated inlined constants, but this increased redundancy can be beneficial to compression, leading to a smaller final compressed size anyway. Does nothing if inlining is disabled."
| NoRenaming -> "Do not rename anything"
Expand All @@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ type CliArguments =
| NoRemoveUnused -> "Do not remove unused code"
| MoveDeclarations -> "Move declarations to group them"
| Preprocess -> "Evaluate some of the file preprocessor directives"
| ExportKkpSymbolMaps -> "Export kkpView symbol maps"
| Filenames _ -> "List of files to minify"

type Options() =
Expand All @@ -79,6 +81,7 @@ type Options() =
member val noRemoveUnused = false with get, set
member val moveDeclarations = false with get, set
member val preprocess = false with get, set
member val exportKkpSymbolMaps = false with get, set
member val filenames = [||]: string[] with get, set

module Globals =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -122,6 +125,7 @@ let private initPrivate argv needFiles =
options.noRemoveUnused <- args.Contains(NoRemoveUnused)
options.moveDeclarations <- args.Contains(MoveDeclarations)
options.preprocess <- args.Contains(Preprocess)
options.exportKkpSymbolMaps <- args.Contains(ExportKkpSymbolMaps)
options.noRenamingList <- noRenamingList
options.filenames <- filenames
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59 changes: 57 additions & 2 deletions src/printer.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,45 @@
module Printer

open System
open System.Linq
open System.Collections.Generic
open Ast
open Options.Globals
open System.Text.RegularExpressions

let private kkpSymFormat shaderSymbol minifiedSize (symbolPool: string array) (symbolIndexes: int16 array) =
let bytes = List<byte>(capacity = 2 * symbolIndexes.Length)
let ascii (s: string) = bytes.AddRange(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes s)
let asciiz s = ascii s; bytes.Add(byte 0)
let fourByteInteger n = bytes.AddRange( byte [ n; n >>> 8; n >>> 16; n >>> 24 ])
let twoByteInteger n = bytes.AddRange( byte [ n; n >>> 8 ])
ascii "PHXP" // 4 bytes: FOURCC: 'PHXP'
asciiz shaderSymbol // ASCIIZ string: name of the shader described by this sym file.
fourByteInteger minifiedSize // 4 bytes: minified data size (Ds) of the shader.
fourByteInteger symbolPool.Length // 4 bytes: symbol count (Sc).
for symbolName in symbolPool do // For each symbol (Sc),
asciiz symbolName // ASCIIZ string: name of the symbol.
for symbolIndex in symbolIndexes do // For each byte in the minified shader (Ds),
twoByteInteger symbolIndex // 2 bytes: symbol index in the symbol pool.

type SymbolMap() =
let symbolRefs = List<string>() // one per byte in the minified shader
member _.AddMapping (str: string) (symbolName: string) =
if str.ToCharArray() |> Array.exists (fun c -> int(c) >= 256) then failwith "cannot process a non-byte char"
for i in 1..str.Length do
member _.SymFileBytes (shaderFilename: string) (minifiedShader: string) =
if minifiedShader.Length <> symbolRefs.Count then failwith "minified byte size doesn't match symbols"
let shaderSymbol = "shader::" + shaderFilename // "::" is the separator for tree structure
let mutable i = 0 // indexMap maps each distinct symbol name to its index in the pool
let indexMap = symbolRefs.Distinct().ToDictionary(id, (fun _ -> i <- i + 1; int16(i - 1)))
let symbolIndexes = symbolRefs.Select(fun symbolRef -> indexMap[symbolRef]).ToArray()
let symbolPool = indexMap.OrderBy(fun kv -> kv.Value).Select(fun kv -> kv.Key).ToArray()
let bytes = kkpSymFormat shaderSymbol minifiedShader.Length symbolPool symbolIndexes

type PrinterImpl(outputFormat) =

let out a = sprintf a
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -270,7 +305,7 @@ type PrinterImpl(outputFormat) =
| TLDecl decl -> out "%s%s;" (nl 0) (declToS 0 decl)
| TypeDecl t -> out "%s;" (typeSpecToS t)

member _.Print tl =
let print tl =
let mutable wasMacro = true
// handle the required \n before a macro
ignoreFirstNewLine <- true
Expand All @@ -280,12 +315,32 @@ type PrinterImpl(outputFormat) =
wasMacro <- isMacro
if needEndLine then out "%s%s" (backslashN()) (topLevelToS x)
else topLevelToS x
tl |> f

tl |> f |> String.concat ""
member _.ExprToS = exprToS
member _.TypeToS = typeToS
member _.Print tl = print tl |> String.concat ""
member _.PrintAndWriteSymbols shader =
let tlStrings = print shader.code
let minifiedShader = tlStrings |> String.concat ""
let symbolMap = SymbolMap()
for (tl, tlString) in shader.code tlStrings do
let symbolName =
match tl with
| Function (fct, _) -> fct.fName.OldName
| TLDecl (_, declElts) -> declElts |> (fun declElt -> |> String.concat ","
| TypeDecl (TypeBlock (_, Some name, _)) -> name.OldName
| TypeDecl _ -> "*type decl*" // unnamed TypeBlock (a top-level TypeDecl cannot be a TypeName)
| Precision _ -> "*precision*"
| TLVerbatim s when s.StartsWith("#define") -> "#define"
| TLVerbatim _ -> "*verbatim*" // HLSL attribute, //[ skipped //]
symbolMap.AddMapping tlString symbolName
let bytes = symbolMap.SymFileBytes shader.filename minifiedShader
System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(shader.filename + ".sym", bytes)

let print tl = (new PrinterImpl(options.outputFormat)).Print(tl)
let printAndWriteSymbols shader = (new PrinterImpl(options.outputFormat)).PrintAndWriteSymbols shader
let printText tl = (new PrinterImpl(Options.Text)).Print(tl)
let exprToS x = (new PrinterImpl(Options.Text)).ExprToS 0 x
let typeToS ty = (new PrinterImpl(Options.Text)).TypeToS ty
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions tests/commands.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,6 +61,10 @@

--no-remove-unused --move-declarations --format c-array -o tests/unit/inout.expected tests/unit/inout.frag tests/unit/inout2.frag

# kkp symbols tests

--no-remove-unused --no-renaming --export-kkp-symbol-maps --format indented -o tests/unit/symbols.frag.expected tests/unit/symbols.frag

# Tests with full renaming

--no-remove-unused --format c-array --no-inlining -o tests/unit/many_variables.expected tests/unit/many_variables.frag
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21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions tests/unit/symbols.frag
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : enable
# define TEST
# ifndef A
# endif

vec3 color; // TLDecl

struct s { // TypeDecl
vec4 n, f;
bool ok;

float sdf(vec3 p) { // Function
color = vec3(1.);
return length(p) - 1.;

void main() {
int ijk = 32;
ijk += ijk;
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions tests/unit/symbols.frag.expected
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4:enable

#define TEST

#ifndef A


vec3 color;struct s{vec4 n,f;bool ok;};
float sdf(vec3 p)
return length(p)-1.;
void main()
int ijk=32;
Binary file added tests/unit/symbols.frag.sym
Binary file not shown.

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