Releases: lautaroangelico/WebEngine
WebEngine 1.2.6
- Removed leftover PHP short open tags
- Fixed PHP deprecation warnings for creation of dynamic property
- Replaced usage of check_value() to isset() for superglobal variables
- Added password encryption configuration to connection settings module in admincp
- Added support for Season 19 and Season 20 classes
- Added avatar and profile graphic for Season 20 Alchemist class
- Added full support for PHP 8.4
- Increased minimum required PHP version to 8.1
- Fixed various PHP warnings
- Optimized online characters cron task
- Optimized characters country cron task
- Fixed update news cache admincp function
- Fixed implicit conversion of float to integer in guild logo api
- ReCAPTCHA Updated to v1.3.0 (PHP ^8.0 support)
- PHPMailer Updated to v6.9.3 (PHP 8.4 support)
- Fixed display issue with Gens ranking position
- Changed contact page to use the configured system email as sender
- Fixed downloads page variable initialization from string to array (issue #62)
- Added setting to encode character and guild names in profiles url's to support special characters
- Added support for Season 19 and Season 20 maps
- Updated error reporting mode to also show notices
- Updated SHA256 password encryption for enhanced compatibility
- Cleaned up old code
- Added events timer API
- Added a new home module with news, rankings, event timers and login
- Changed the default module from news to home
- Updated default configurations
- Adjusted account country cron to comply with IP-API requests per minute limit
- Removed sidebar from all modules except usercp
- Added a new User CP menu
- Updated User CP icons to higher quality
- Updated default theme from red to blue
- Added missing language phrase to login widget in sidebar
- Replaced AdminCP JS and CSS files to be loaded via CDN
- Reorganized AdminCP JS files
- Replaced CKEditor with TinyMCE for editing news
- Updated AdminCP WebEngineCMS logo
- Removed Facebook block from AdminCP home and replaced with official links
- Updated default configurations
- Updated default theme bootstrap version from 3.3.7 to 3.4.1 (CDN)
- Removed ODBC driver option (use sqlsrv instead)
- Fixed news display in the home module
- Updated player profiles online character check method
- Small code fixes
WebEngine 1.2.5
- Added support for Season 18 content
- Updated default CMS configurations
- Updated default template visuals
- Installer will now check for php-gd and php-xml modules
- Minimum required PHP version is now PHP 7.4
- Fixed compatibility issues with PHP 8.0 and 8.1
- Added support for IGCN Sha256 and PHP MD5 password encryption
- Fixed issue with plugin installations
- Minor code cleanup and fixes
WebEngine 1.2.4
- Added support for Season 17 Light Wizard and Lemuria Mage classes
- Added rankings class filter feature
- Updated default CMS configurations for Season 17
- Updated default template background to Season 17
- Updated default template logo to Season 17
- Fixed unstuck character module title spelling (issue #42)
- Fixed warning message triggered by unloaded cache (issue #50)
WebEngine 1.2.3
- Automatic login after registration
- Updated character classes information
WebEngine 1.2.2
- Added support for X-Team Season 15 Slayer
- English language is now loaded alongside switchable languages (to prevent missing phrases)
- Russian language phrases updated
- Simplified Chinese language phrases updated
- Romanian language phrases updated
- Lithuanian language phrases updated
- Filipino language phrases updated
- Russian language phrases updated
- Spanish language phrases updated
- Added support for IGCN Season 16 Gun Crusher
- Fixed issue with zen requirement on character unstick module
- Fixed issue with zen requirement on character clear skill-tree module
- Fixed issue with zen requirement on character add stats module
- PayPal payments module improved
- Language switcher now detects which language is currently active
- Forum link removed from navbar
- Updated default rankings configurations
- Updated registration helper text to display information according to website configurations
- Overall template visual improvements
- Portuguese language phrases updated
- Added new guild score formulas for guilds ranking
- Added guild exclusion list to guilds ranking
- News are now base64 encrypted to provide better support for utf8 content
WebEngine 1.2.1
- Added player exclusion to gens rankings (issue #33)
- Fixed reset rankings ordering (issue #37)
- Added full support for IGCN Season 15
- Added full support for XTeam Season 14
- Added Simplified Chinese language (by @amarillonmc)
- Fixed issue with username case sensitivity
- Fixed website description
- [AdminCP] Fixed connection history logs sorting order
- Online characters cron task optimized
- Character country cron task optimized
- Castle sisge module recoded
- Removed support for MuEngine server files
- Removed configurations for MuEmu and Louis files (use XTeam configuration instead)
- MuEngine's PvP Last Stand rankings removed
- MuEngine's master key recovery system removed
- Fixed Terms of Service module title not being displayed
- Privacy policy module added
- Refund policy module added
- [AdminCP] Warning message added when installing a plugin while the plugin system is disabled
- Gens rankings cron task optimized
- Recoded cron job system
- [AdminCP] Online accounts module improved
- My account user control panel module improved
- [AdminCP] Removed half-implemented admincp permission system (will be remade in the future)
- [AdminCP] Cache manager module created
- Fixed issue with credit system misconfiguration display in user control panel
- Added date to database error logs
- Added custom log file for PHP errors
- News system general improvements
- Sidebar modules improvements
- Added support for Open Graph Tags in template (for social media)
- Reset character module improved and new options added
- Unstick character module improved and new options added
- Clear PK module improved and new options added
- Reset Stats module improved and new options added
- Add Stats module improved and new options added
- Clear skill tree module improved and new options added
- Added class groups
- PayPal donation gateway updated
- PHPMailer updated to v6.1.7
- Server information and website settings improved
- Plugin system improved
- Added Russian language
- Added Lithuanian language
- Added support for Season 1 (VI_CURR_INFO table, manual toggle on configuration file)
- Castle siege banner replaced with sidebar widget
- Added support for PHP 7.3
- Added support for PHP 7.4
- General improvements to default template
- General improvements made to the CMS
WebEngine 1.2.1 BETA
- Added player exclusion to gens rankings (issue #33)
- Fixed reset rankings ordering (issue #37)
- Added full support for IGCN Season 15
- Added full support for XTeam Season 14
- Added Simplified Chinese language (by @amarillonmc)
- Fixed issue with username case sensitivity
- Fixed website description
- [AdminCP] Fixed connection history logs sorting order
- Online characters cron task optimized
- Character country cron task optimized
- Castle sisge module recoded
- Removed support for MuEngine server files
- Removed configurations for MuEmu and Louis files (use XTeam configuration instead)
- MuEngine's PvP Last Stand rankings removed
- MuEngine's master key recovery system removed
- Fixed Terms of Service module title not being displayed
- Privacy policy module added
- Refund policy module added
- [AdminCP] Warning message added when installing a plugin while the plugin system is disabled
- Gens rankings cron task optimized
- Recoded cron job system
- [AdminCP] Online accounts module improved
- My account user control panel module improved
- [AdminCP] Removed half-implemented admincp permission system (will be remade in the future)
- [AdminCP] Cache manager module created
- Fixed issue with credit system misconfiguration display in user control panel
- Added date to database error logs
- Added custom log file for PHP errors
- News system general improvements
- Sidebar modules improvements
- Added support for Open Graph Tags in template (for social media)
- Reset character module improved and new options added
- Unstick character module improved and new options added
- Clear PK module improved and new options added
- Reset Stats module improved and new options added
- Add Stats module improved and new options added
- Clear skill tree module improved and new options added
- Added class groups
- PayPal donation gateway updated
- PHPMailer updated to v6.1.7
- Server information and website settings improved
- Plugin system improved
- Added Russian language
- Added Lithuanian language
- Added support for Season 1 (VI_CURR_INFO table, manual toggle on configuration file)
- Castle siege banner replaced with sidebar widget
- Added support for PHP 7.3
- Added support for PHP 7.4
- General improvements to default template
- General improvements made to the CMS
WebEngine 1.2.0
- [Installer] Minimum required PHP version increased to 5.6 (5.4 previously)
- [Installer] Added installer index redirection
- [Fix] Missing grand resets column constant on player profiles (issue #29)
- [Fix] Player profile module title not loading (issue #28)
- [Fix] Guild profile module title not loading (issue #27)
- [Fix] Wrong language error phrase in character add stats module (issue #26)
- [Core] Updated PHPMailer to version 6.0.7
- [Core] Added exception handling when loading modules
- [Core] Output buffer is now cleared when an exception is thrown outside the module scope
- [Core] News system now checks if news id exists from cache instead of database
- Removed encoded ids from news
- [Core] Gens ranking completely recoded (it now works as in GMO)
- [Core] Improved compatibility with MuEngine files
- Character level can now be combined with master level in rankings
- Character level added to resets ranking
- Character level added to killers ranking
- Replaced resets with player level in master level ranking
- [Fix] Wrong language error phrase in voting system (issue #25)
- Character class added to votes ranking
- Character master level added to profiles
- Numbers formatting added to player profiles
- Command stat is now only displayed when character class is DL in player profiles
- Guild profiles design improved
- Player profile links added to rankings
- Guild profile link added to guilds ranking
- [Core] Added new cache format
- Added guild master display to castle siege countdown banner
- Added guild master display to castle siege module
- [Template] Upgraded to bootstrap 3.3.7
- [Template] Upgraded to jquery 2.2.4
- [Template] Added date display to server/user time
- [Core] Added cache to ip blocking system
- [Core] Added WebEngine CMS table definitions
- [Core] Added support for webengine tables prefix
- Added player profile links setting to webengine configuration
- Added guild profile links setting to webengine configuration
- Added username length setting to webengine configuration
- Added password length setting to webengine configuration
- [Core] Anti flood system removed
- Encryption hash configuration removed
- [Fix] Login system not clearing failed login attemps after a successful authentication (issue #30)
- [Installer] Removed Forum URL from the final install step
- [Installer] Removed Server Name from the final install step
- [Installer] Removed Website Title from the final install step
- [Installer] Removed Website Description from the final install step
- [Installer] Removed Website Keywords from the final install step
- [AdminCP] Updated navigation menus style
- [Core] Removed main cron cache file (it now uses a direct connection to the database)
- [API] Added cron api (for manually executing cron jobs)
- [Core] Plugins now load directly from cache
- [Core] Added version check to plugin when loading
- [Core] BCMath php extension no longer required
- [Core] cURL php extension added to cms requirements
- [Core] Added CloudFlare IP Workaround
- [Core] Added CloudFlare HTTPS Workaround
- Replaced downloads host with downloads description
- Corrected spelling mistake on successful plugin installation (issue #31)
- [AdminCP] Added real databases names on credit configurations
- [AdminCP] Me_MuOnline will not be displayed if only using MuOnline database
- [AdminCP] Improved design of credit configurations module
- [Core] Added support for custom email templates
- [Core] Added database error logs
- [Core] Enabled passing of real exception error messages from email system (issue #32)
- Added short news version with link to full news
- MuEngine VIP module removed (to be provided as a plugin)
- IGCN VIP module removed (to be provided as a plugin)
- Replaced double quotes with single quotes of default language file
- [Core] Improved language switching system
- [AdminCP] removed bin2hex website configuration
- Moved guild logo generator to api directory
- [Core] Guild logos are now directly converted to hex in the sql query
- Added PK level to killers ranking
- Castle siege countdown banner will now show even if castle has no owner
- Added character last location to rankings
- Added character country to rankings
- Added character online status to rankings
- Added basic server information module (html)
- Removed facebook comments from news system
- Removed facebook share and like button from news system
- Added news translation system
- [Template] added language switch flags at footer
- Added missing language phrases
- [Core] Updated Google ReCaptcha to version 1.2.1
- Improved cron common repeat times list
WebEngine 1.1.1
- Fixed missing remove button from vote system configurations in admincp
- Added support for S14 character class Rune Wizard
- Updated Dimension Master class short name from DM to DSM
- Added Rune Wizard class avatar image
- Added Rune Wizard player profile background image
WebEngine 1.1.0
[Other] Removed PaymentWall Donations API
[Other] Removed SuperRewards Donations API
[Other] Removed Western Union Donations Module
[Fix] Issue when adding a new cron job
[Other] Set default timezone to UTC
[Enhancement] Empty values in player profiles are now hidden
[Enhancement] Added support for S13 player class codes
[Enhancement] Added support for more than 5 characters in account
[Template] Removed legendary template
[Template] Added RedZone template as default
[Template] Added grow lancer profile background image
[Template] Guild profiles css improvements
[Template] Added animated register sidebar banner
[Template] Added discord sidebar banner
[Other] Changed default cron repeat times to 5 minutes
[Fix] Issue with credit system logs not detecting admincp module (issue #24)
[Fix] Issue with credit system not adding credits when column value is null
[Fix] Issue with credit system logs limit value not being applied to the query (issue #22)
[Fix] Issue with news system not applying the news_expanded config (issue #23)
[Core] Added default database connection timeout (15 seconds)
[AdminCP] Added links to WebEngine's Official Support Forum and Discord