- My full name is: Lavínia Franciscatto
- And I'm a: 21-year-old girl
- You can also call me: Lavs
- I'm from: Brazil
- And I love to: Study everything (I'm a very curious person), read police dramas, play video games, watch sitcoms, and exercise!
- Here's about my education:
- I'm a fifth-semester Computer Science student at Universidade Paulista (UNIP).
- I have completed Harvard's introductory computer science course CS50
- I'm a trainee developer at a technology company called ITIX, located in Brazil. I am part of an international team, and we are responsible for the unified platform of a multinational company.
- I had my first experience with programming two years ago, and since then, I've been falling in love with this world every day!
- I've always been a studious person, so I love exploring new programming concepts!
- One of my biggest professional goals is to become an excellent developer, delivering amazing projects and satisfying my clients!
- My focus is to become a FullStack developer, but in my spare time, I love creating designs!
- I have always been passionate about writing and reading, and since I have a natural aptitude for it, I decided to incorporate it into my profession. I have written three articles for the company where I work, all using a developer-friendly and didactic language. The first article I wrote was How to create a new MFE project on an NX repository, and it’s important to highlight that it was a highly requested piece of documentation. The other two topics I have written about are:
- How to create Dynamic Forms
- Generic Component - its importance and how to create one