- To be able to use this script you must have an api_key generated by slack
- To generate an api_key* visit api.slack.com/web at the bottom of the page you should find a
Issue token
orRe-issue token
button that you need to click. *Note you will not see this button until you have logged in
- To generate an api_key* visit api.slack.com/web at the bottom of the page you should find a
- Warning if you are not an admin user an api_key will still be gernerated when you issue a tolken. However, when you have an api_key generated by a normal user you will not be able to do most of the functions covered in this script.
- Example normal user task: message other users, view profile information of other users
- Example admin user task: disable, enable, or invite other users
- If your slack permissions change from a normal user to an admin user you will need to visit api.slack.com/web and click
at the bottom of the page
- With any command add the
flag and you will get more get more information as the command is running - If there is an error it will always print to the terminal but if the command is succesful there will be no output unless in verbose mode
- This will send an email to the user asking them join your slack team
- If the email used is already apart of your slack team an error will be thrown and no email will be sent
- If a firstname and lastname are given when the user makes an account his name will already be made
- Format
ruby invite.rb --email <email_of_new_user> -k <admin_api_key>
ruby invite.rb --email <email_of_new_user> --first_name <firstname_of_new_user> --last_name <lastname_of_new_user> -k <admin_api_key>
- Example (the format of api-key is correct but the key is no longer valid)
ruby invite.rb --email someones_email@gmail.com -k xoxp-2895144450-5173338419-6395194080-2585ac
- You can either give an email or a username that is associated with the account you would like to disable
- Format
ruby enable.rb -e <email> -k <admin_api_key>
ruby enable.rb -u <username> -k <admin_api_key>
- Example (the format of api-key is correct but the key is no longer valid)
ruby enable.rb -e someones_email@gmail.com -k xoxp-2895144450-5173338419-6395194080-2585ae -v
ruby enable.rb -u someones_username -k xoxp-2895144450-5173338419-6395194080-2585ae -v
- Slack does not allow admin to permanently delete user information, it will mearly dissable the user.
- Format
ruby diable.rb -e <email> -k <admin_api_key>
ruby diable.rb -u <username> -k <admin_api_key>
- Example (the format of api-key is correct but the key is no longer valid)
ruby disable.rb -e someonesemail@gmail.com -k xoxp-2895144450-5173338419-6395194080-2585ae -v
ruby disable.rb -u someones_username -k xoxp-2895144450-5173338419-6395194080-2585ae -v
Because Slack does not allow admin members to permanently delete user information problems can occure with username or email conflicts. For example if John Smith takes the user name of jsmith but then decides to leave the group the user name jsmith will not be available for Jessica Smith who later joins the group looking for the namen jsmith. This issue can be solved if an admin goes to the user name jsmith and renames it old_jsmith or something of that nature to free up jsmith