NOTE - LPortal is deprecated as of Godot 3.4, Rooms & Portals is now available as part of the standard Godot engine.
Sept 15th 2020
- Portal rendering / Occlusion culling module for Godot 3.2
- See for pre-compiled builds
You can either use LPortal as a full occlusion culling system if you can create your level as rooms and portals, or use it in a simplified single room mode to speed up culling in any 3d level.
Note that this is a Work in progress. Feel free to try out the latest version (master) but recognise that the API may change as I move towards first release.
Video of initial testing:
- Support for dynamic objects (DOBs)
- Dynamic lights
- Optional auto-generation of room bound convex hulls
- Single room mode (for non-portalled levels)
Feel free to leave suggestions / feature requests on the issue tracker, especially regarding ease of use.
September 15th 2020 - Removed lightmap generating functionality from LPortal. This has moved to LLightmap, which is far more extensive and a lightmapping solution from within Godot. The lightmaps can be used with LPortal.
April 2nd 2020 - New API for DOBS. I had identified a breaking bug in the DOB visibility caused by the assumptions from the data coming from godot. It turns out when DOBs are hidden I can't retrieve their position etc from the Godot node, so I'm having to change the API for DOBs and dynamic lights so you pass the position manually each update. I've tested and this works.
Note that the new dob culling isn't totally finished yet, it simply culls based on which room the dob is within, and whether that room is visible. This is approximate and won't deal with the case where a dob should be casting a shadow into the frustum from a room that is not visible. I'll get more accurate dob culling and light tracing working again in time, but it should be okay for most cases to start with.
I am currently working on a small demo / test first person shooter game. This is helping me find bugs / add usability features as I go.
I'm going to be working on improving the user interface for LPortal, exposing some of the features in the LRoomManager node, and having editor plugins for both the lightmapper and lportal.
Note I'm also working on core renderers (batching in GLES2 and GLES3, and the new 4.x GLES renderers), so there may be some periods of inactivity on LPortal.
Auto conversion of named room spatials and portal mesh instances to LRoom and LPortal DONE
Auto creation of mirror portals DONE
Recursive determine visibility DONE
Prevent memory allocations (use pools for plane vectors) DONE
Add support for objects moving between rooms - cameras, players, physics etc - DONE
Handle special cases (multiple portals views into room etc) DONE
Optimize non-moving statics DONE
Optional convex hull bound for rooms DONE
Auto convex hull bound generation DONE
Add debug graphical view of portal planes DONE
Add debug graphical view of room bounds DONE
Dealing with shadows from objects outside of view DONE
Universal visibility query for camera and dynamic lights DONE
Support for global directional lights (like the sun) DONE
Switchable culling method DONE
Bug fixing / testing ONGOING
Demo game ONGOING
Shadow caster optimization
Closable portals
PVS (primary and secondary)
For convenience to trial LPortal I have provided a win64 build under the 'releases' tab in github. However, note that for production use (on multiple platforms) you will currently have to compile from source.
I will work on increasing the number of builds for different platforms.
Once the engine is compiling okay on your system, to add the module:
- Create a folder inside godot/modules called 'lportal'
- Clone / download this repository as a zip file and place the files in the lportal folder
- Compile the engine as normal, it should automatically pick up the lportal module
- Note that to export to other platforms you will also have to compile export templates for those platforms
You will know the installation was successful when you see a new Node type 'LRoomManager' in the Godot IDE.