Tools for working with VIRL. This is a loose collection of scripts that maybe useful when working with VIRL. Some in Python, some in Bash and even one for Windows. Here's a brief list of the scripts and what they are supposed to do. YMMV :)
For some of the tools it is required / useful to have a specific environment set and that the virl user is member of the libvirtd group:
sudo usermod -a -G libvirtd virl
echo "export LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI=qemu:///system" >>.bashrc
logout and login again to make those changes effective.
This is a Windows script that takes a tap interface name as input. It will then fire up putty to connect to your VIRL host, start a tcpdump on the given interface and then will feed the output of the tcpdump into a local copy of Wireshark. Prerequisites to make this work (and some values like paths to executables or IP addresses may have to be changed in the capture.bat file itself)- Putty installed (and the accompanying plink.exe)
- Wireshark installed
- known VIRL host IP address
- known tap interface name from where to capture packets. The tap interfaces must follow the following scheme 'tap00000000-00' where the digits are hex digits. See also
to identify those tap interfaces on the VIRL host.
The corresponding Mac / Un*x shell script to do the same thing, namely start a tcpdump process on the VIRL host on a given tap interface, feed the packets into a named pipe. Wireshark needs to be started manually and it has to setup a named pipe interface via 'Capture -> Options', then 'Manage Interfaces', then on the 'Pipe' tab create a 'New' pipe interface pointing to the named pipe that has been created by the
connects a Telnet session to the console of a router VM on the local VIRL host. It sets the escape sequence to Ctrl-\ instead of the default Ctrl-]. See
to identify the right
shows all local interfaces on the VIRL host that have an IPv4 address
needs a MAC address as a parameter and 'up' or 'down', e.g. from running 'show interface gi0/0' in a VM. This will enable or disable the given interface on the VM, like connecting or disconnecting the cable to the router interface. Note: Interface state is not reflected in
lists all interfaces of all running nodes / VMs of the user. The username must be given as a parameter to the script. The tap interfaces listed in the right column can be used to capture traffic, seecapture.bat
shows all ports (VNC and Console information) of all running instances on a VIRL host. It also includes the Instance name of the libvirt instance which can be manipulated viavirsh
using the provided minion key file as a parameter (example this script will reset the minion key / configuration on the
helps with troubleshooting Salt key related
define required libvirtd environment variable for virsh.
Showing all interfaces of the user guest:
virl@virl-sandbox:~$ ./virl-utils/ guest
| Project | Topology | Node | Link | Interface |
| Sample_Topologies | Single | iosv-2 | Multipoint Connection-1 | tap2cff6fb2-5e |
| | | iosv-2 | Management Network | tap3dca55b5-f5 |
| | | iosv-2 | snat-1 | tap6dbe122c-d2 |
| | | iosv-3 | Management Network | tap603b92de-2b |
| | | iosv-3 | Multipoint Connection-1 | tapb419d5d7-43 |
| | | iosv-4 | Management Network | tap1473bb05-c8 |
| | | iosv-4 | Multipoint Connection-1 | tap9fdfb633-d6 |
| | | linux | Multipoint Connection-1 | tap27fed9a3-cb |
| | | linux | flat-1 | tap2d7a90b9-b6 |
| | | linux | Management Network | tap8f62596c-2c |
Displaying ports of running simulations:
virl@virl-sandbox:~$ virl-utils/
| User | Topology | Node | VNC | Console | Instance Name |
| guest | eugene | iosxrv-1 | 5900 | 17000 | instance-0000002b |
| guest | eugene | iosxrv-2 | 5902 | 17003 | instance-0000002c |
| guest | eugene | iosxrv-3 | 5901 | 17006 | instance-0000002d |
| guest | eugene | iosxrv-4 | 5903 | 17009 | instance-0000002e |
| guest | germany-ers | iosv-1 | 5907 | 17018 | instance-00000032 |
| guest | germany-ers | iosv-2 | 5908 | 17020 | instance-00000033 |
| guest | germany-ers | iosv-3 | 5909 | 17022 | instance-00000034 |
| guest | germany-ers | iosv-4 | 5910 | 17024 | instance-00000035 |
| guest | germany-ers | iosv-5 | 5911 | 17026 | instance-00000036 |
| guest | germany-ers | iosv-6 | 5912 | 17028 | instance-00000037 |
| guest | topology | iosv-1 | 5904 | 17012 | instance-0000002f |
| guest | topology | iosv-2 | 5905 | 17014 | instance-00000030 |
| guest | topology | iosv-3 | 5906 | 17016 | instance-00000031 |
Enabling / disabling an interface for a given MAC address:
virl@virl-sandbox:~$ ./virl-utils/ fa16.3e3d.0092 down
Node Name for MAC 'fa:16:3e:3d:00:92':
Domain Name: 'instance-00000001'
Interface updated!
virl@virl-sandbox:~$ ./virl-utils/ fa16.3e3d.0092 up
Node Name for MAC 'fa:16:3e:3d:00:92':
Domain Name: 'instance-00000001'
Interface updated!