Fluffy is still a work in progress.
Fluffy is a (wip) video game engine. Its objective is to help making or prototyping small games by provinding useful tools, an editor, scripting and a programming framework.
- A visual editor based on ImGui
- A fully working Entity-Component-System (ECS)
- Scene management
- Window handling
- Graphics handling
- Resource managers
- Layers (screens/states)
- Useful utility classes like Time, Signals/slots, Path, etc.
- Logging
- Scripting
- Asset pipe
- A compiler that supports C++20
- OpenGL 3.3+ compatible GPU
- GLFW For window handling
- GLM For graphic maths
- ImGui Because it's awesome
- STB For image loading
- FMT For text and log formatting
- JustasMasiulis/circular_buffer For the useful header-only circular_buffer class
- Bandit/Bandit For unit testing
- open-source-parsers/jsoncpp For serialization stuff and loading data
- GLAD To bind to OpenGL
- scottt/debugbreak For breakpoints
Use cmake
and the compiler of your choice
Entities are just identifiers. Components hold the actual data (but no functionality). Entity creation and assignment of Components:
struct Position : public Component<Position>
Position() = default;
Position(float x, float y) : x(x), y(y) {}
float x = 0.f;
float y = 0.f;
struct Speed : public Component<Speed>
Speed() = default;
Speed(float x, float y) : x(x), y(y) {}
float x = 0.f;
float y = 0.f;
EntityManager em(eventManager);
// Create the entity
Entity entity1 = em.createEntity();
// You can assign and initialize a component using the EntityManager
em.assign<Position>(entity1.id(), 42.f, 30.f);
// Or you can assign a component directly from the Entity
entity1.assign<Speed>(10, 15);
Get back components from an Entity:
// You can fetch it from the EntityManager...
auto position = em.component<Position>(entity1.id());
// ... or directly from the Entity
auto speed = entity1.component<Speed>();
std::cout << "Ent1 position is (" << position->x << ":" << position->y << ") with a speed of (" << speed->x << ":" << speed->y << ")" << std::endl;
Looping on a list of components:
for (auto entity : entityManager.each<Speed, Position>()) {
auto position = entity.component<Position>();
auto speed = entity.component<Speed>();
// ...
System are responsible for the update ad handling of the dat stored in Components. Creating Systems:
class MovementSystem : public System<MovementSystem>
virtual void initialize(EntityManager& entityManager, EventManager& eventManager) override {
// ...
virtual void update(EntityManager& entityManager, Time dt) override {
for (auto entity : entityManager.each<Speed, Position>()) {
auto position = entity.component<Position>();
auto speed = entity.component<Speed>();
position->x += speed->x * dt.seconds();
position->y += speed->y * dt.seconds();
SystemManager systemManager(em, eventManager);
auto movementSystem = systemManager.add<MovementSystem>();
while (/** Game Loop or something **/) {
systemManager.updateAll(seconds(1 / 60.f));