Tool to generate a graphiz dot file with the dependency between the shell scripts of a project.
sh-deps.core> (-main "--directory" "/home/tony/bin" "--graph-file" "/home/tony/")
Scanning directory /home/tony/bin and generating graph dot file /home/tony/
tony@dagobah(0.28,) 22:23:34 (130) ~ (master) $ lein run --help
Switches Default Desc
=-h=, =--no-help=, =--help= false Show help
=-d=, =--directory= Directory to analyze
=-g=, =--graph-file= Graph dot file to generate
tony@dagobah(0.28,) 22:26:30 ~ (master) $ lein run --directory /home/tony/bin --graph-file /home/tony/
Scanning directory /home/tony/bin and generating graph dot file /home/tony/ .
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