Rockfish is the deep learning based tool for detecting 5mC DNA base modifications.
- ONT Guppy (for basecalling)
- ONT Tombo (for re-segmentation)
- Python >=3.7
- Appropriate CUDA version
Clone the repository
git clone ... Rockfish && cd Rockfish
Create virtual environment
Using venv
python3.7 -m venv rockfish_venv source rockfish_venv/bin/activate
or conda
conda create --name rockfish python=3.7 conda activate rockfish
Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install appropriate PyTorch version (built for specific CUDA version) and pytorch-lighting
E.g. PyTorch 1.8, pip package for CUDA 11.1
pip install torch==1.8.0+cu111 torchvision==0.9.0+cu111 torchaudio==0.8.0 -f pip install pytorch-lightning
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<cuda_devices> python src/ [options ...] <model_checkpoint> <test_path> <out_path>
trained model checkpoint file
file or folder containing re-segmented fast5 files
path to the output tsv file
-r, --recursive
default: false
recursively search for the input files in <test_path>
-b, --batch_size <int>
default: 1024
batch size for inference
-t, --n_workers <int>
default: 0
number of workers for reading and processing data
--prefetch_factor <int>
default: 4
number of batches fetched before processing, active only if n_workers > 0
extraction options:
--reseg_path <str>
default: 'Analyses/RawGenomeCorrected_000/BaseCalled_template'
path to the re-segmentation group in fast5
--norm_method <str>
default: 'standardization'
function used for signal normalization
--motif <str>
default: 'CG'
motif used to find genomic positions, regex can be used
--sample_size <int>
default: 20
number of signal points for every base in k-mer
--window <int>
default: 8
size of window left and right of central position, total k-mer: K = 2*W+1
Extract features
python src/ [options ...] <input_path> <output_path> <input_path> file or folder containing re-segmented fast5 files <output_path> folder where the processed data will be stored options: -r, --recursive default: false recursively search for the input files in <input_path> -t, --workers <int> default: 0 number of workers used for data generation --label <int> default: None label to store for the given examples (0 or 1), not stored if not set --reseg_path <str> default: 'Analyses/RawGenomeCorrected_000/BaseCalled_template' path to the re-segmentation group in fast5 --norm_method <str> default: 'standardization' function used for signal normalization --motif <str> default: 'CG' motif used to find genomic positions, regex can be used --sample_size <int> default: 20 number of signal points for every base in k-mer --window <int> default: 8 size of window left and right of central position, total k-mer: K = 2*W+1 --bed_path <str> default: None path to the bedmethyl file used for position filtering --bed_filter <str> default: None filter method if bed_path is set, currently implemented only high_confidence (n_reads >= 10, meth_freq (label) either 0 (0) or 100 (1))
Train Rockfish
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<cuda_devices> python src/ [options ...] <train_path> <val_path> <train_path> file containing extracted data in binary format used for training <val_path> file containing extracted data in binary format used for validation options: -b, --train_batch_size <int> default: 128 mini-batch size used for training (effective batch size is n_gpu * train_batch_size) --val_batch_size <int> default: 1024 mini-batch size used for validation (effective n_gpu * val_batch_size) --iterable default: false instead of loading data in RAM, iteratively fetch data (not recommended) model options: --dropout <float> default: 0.1 dropout value used for training --nhead <int> default: 8 number of heads in multi-head attention --dim_ff <int> default: 1024 dimension of hidden layer in feed-forward network (in transformer) --nlayers <int> default: 6 number of transformer encoder layers train options: --epochs <int> default: 30 number of training epochs --wd <float> default: 1e-4 weight decay used in AdamW --lr <float> default: 1e-4 learning rate upper bound for CyclicLR --step_size_up <int> default: None number of iterations for half cycle in CyclicLR, inferred from train dataset size if not set
This work has been supported in part by AI Singapore under the project the Deep Generative Modeling of Epigenomics Data (AISG-RPKS-2019-001), by Croatian Science Foundation under the project Single genome and metagenome assembly (IP-2018-01-5886), by the A*STAR Computational Resource Centre and by the National Supercomputing Centre, Singapore through the use of their high-performance computing facilities. D.S. and M.Š. have been partially supported by funding from A*STAR, Singapore.