Find It is a discovery layer for Linn-Benton Community College's library. This tool searches across most of the library's print and electronic resources so that students don't get stuck in just one silo of information.
Find It is based on Blacklight, Postgres, and various other projects.
Here's how to get this running for yourself:
git clone
cd findit
# Edit .env.local file to include the correct EDS_USER and EDS_PASS values
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose exec app bin/rake db:migrate findit:data:index:sample
You can then see FindIt in your browser at localhost:3000. You can make changes to the local directory, and it will be reflected in docker. You may need to restart the app container for certain changes to take effect: docker-compose restart app
- Sign in to GitHub.
- Click "Fork" to make your own working copy of the repo.
- Follow the installation instructions.
- Make your changes.
- Submit a pull request to get your changes incorporated. This sounds complicated, but it's actually pretty simple:
- Go to your forked repository.
- Click the pull requests tab
- Click New Pull Request.
- Verify your changes, then click "Create pull request".
First, add a .env.local file with the correct credentials.
Then you can open the rails console -- rails c
-- where you can type:
mySession = EdsService.connect
article = {dbid:'a9h', an: 138929081'}
mySession.retrieve article #retrieve an article
page: 2,
q: 'Britney Spears'}) #get some search results