A hubot script for searching and browsing Confluence. Very super.
your bot can hear
and respond to questions with searches automatically.
See src/super-confluence.coffee
for full documentation.
In hubot project repo, run:
npm install hubot-super-confluence --save
Then add hubot-super-confluence to your external-scripts.json
You'll need to set the following environment variables to get started:
HUBOT_CONFLUENCE_USERNAME - Confluence username.
HUBOT_CONFLUENCE_PASSWORD - Confluence password.
HUBOT_CONFLUENCE_HOST - Hostname of the Confluence instance.
HUBOT_CONFLUENCE_CONTEXT (optional) - Often '/wiki', defaults to ''
Sets up a `hear` callback on the first capture group of the regex.
For example, if set to "how do i (.*)" and someone asks 'how can i
deploy' then the Confluence will be queried with `deploy`.
user1>> hubot wiki deploy
hubot>> 1 match found (limit: 5)
hubot>> ...