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Subcommand: edgepca

Lucas Czech edited this page Feb 20, 2024 · 15 revisions

Perform Edge PCA (Principal Component Analysis) for a set of samples.

Usage: gappa analyze edgepca [options]


--jplace-path Required. TEXT:PATH(existing)=[] ...
List of jplace files or directories to process. For directories, only files with the extension .jplace[.gz] are processed.
--kappa FLOAT=1
Exponent for scaling between weighted and unweighted splitification.
--epsilon FLOAT=1e-05
Epsilon to use to determine if a split matrix’s column is constant for filtering. Set to a negative value to deavtivate constant columnn filtering.
--components UINT=5
Number of principal coordinates to calculate. Use 0 to calculate all possible coordinates.
--point-mass FLAG
Treat every pquery as a point mass concentrated on the highest-weight placement. In other words, ignore all but the most likely placement location (the one with the highest LWR), and set its LWR to 1.0.
--ignore-multiplicities FLAG
Set the multiplicity of each pquery to 1.0. The multiplicity is the equvalent of abundances for placements, and hence ignored with this flag.
--color-list TEXT=spectral
List of colors to use for the palette. Can either be the name of a color list, a file containing one color per line, or an actual comma-separated list of colors. Colors can be specified in the format #rrggbb using hex values, or by web color names.
--reverse-color-list FLAG
If set, the order of colors of the --color-list is reversed.
--mask-color TEXT=#dfdfdf
Color used to indicate masked or invalid values, such as infinities or NaNs. Color can be specified in the format #rrggbb using hex values, or by web color names.
--out-dir TEXT=.
Directory to write output files to.
--file-prefix TEXT
File prefix for output files. Most gappa commands use the command name as the base name for file output. This option amends the base name, to distinguish runs with different data.
--file-suffix TEXT
File suffix for output files. Most gappa commands use the command name as the base name for file output. This option amends the base name, to distinguish runs with different data.
Tree Output
--write-newick-tree FLAG
If set, the tree is written to a Newick file. This format cannot store color information.
--write-nexus-tree FLAG
If set, the tree is written to a Nexus file. This can for example be opened in FigTree.
--write-phyloxml-tree FLAG
If set, the tree is written to a Phyloxml file. This can for example be used in Archaeopteryx.
--write-svg-tree FLAG
If set, the tree is written to a SVG file. This gives a file for vector graphics editors.
Newick Tree Output
--newick-tree-branch-length-precision INT=6 Needs: --write-newick-tree
Number of digits to print for branch lengths in Newick format.
--newick-tree-quote-invalid-chars FLAG Needs: --write-newick-tree
If set, node labels that contain characters that are invalid in the Newick format (i.e., spaces and :;()[],{}) are put into quotation marks. If not set (default), these characters are instead replaced by underscores, which changes the names, but works better with most downstream tools.
Svg Tree Output
--svg-tree-shape TEXT:{circular,rectangular}=circular Needs: --write-svg-tree
Shape of the tree.
--svg-tree-type TEXT:{cladogram,phylogram}=cladogram Needs: --write-svg-tree
Type of the tree, either using branch lengths (phylogram), or not (cladogram).
--svg-tree-stroke-width FLOAT=5 Needs: --write-svg-tree
Svg stroke width for the branches of the tree.
--svg-tree-ladderize FLAG Needs: --write-svg-tree
If set, the tree is ladderized.
Global Options
--allow-file-overwriting FLAG
Allow to overwrite existing output files instead of aborting the command.
--verbose FLAG
Produce more verbose output.
--threads UINT
Number of threads to use for calculations.
--log-file TEXT
Write all output to a log file, in addition to standard output to the terminal.


Performs Edge PCA. The command is a re-implementation of guppy epca, see there for more details.


Edge PCA is an analysis method for phylogenetic placement data that reveals consistent differences between samples (jplace files). It uses the imbalance of placements across the edges of tree, which allows to find differences in placements that may be close in the tree.

Output Files

Similar to guppy, the command produces two tables that contain the result of the analysis. The projection.csv table contains the jplace samples projected into principal coordinate space, and the transformation.csv table lists the top eigenvalues (first column) and their corresponding eigenvectors (remaining columns).

Furthermore, we split the transformation table here, for post-processing convenience. The eigenvalues.csv table just contains the eigenvalues, while the eigenvectors.csv contains the eigenvectors across all edges that were used in the PCA computation.

The correspondence of eigenvectors to edges is a bit tricky: Only the inner edges of the tree (the ones not leading to leaf nodes) have a meaningful edge imbalance value (which is the value used for computing the PCA). Furthermore, some inner edges might have a constant imbalance value, for instance, if no sequences had any placement stored in the outer branches of an edge. In that case, we filter out these edges before computing the PCA as well, as they are not meaningful and might lead to numerical issues if retained.

Hence, for the correspondence between the (inner, non-constant imbalance) edges and the eigenvector components of the PCA, we need some extra work. The edge_indices.newick tree contains an annotated tree with inner nodes labeled according to the edge index. This edge index is the first column in eigenvectors.csv, making it possible to link the two. Note that we label the nodes in that file, and not the edges, as the Newick file format does not support the latter; see here for this shortcoming of the Newick file format, and resulting issues. You can for example use Dendroscope to examine the newick file, or use some programmatic way.

Furthermore, we produce separate Newick files for each PCA component, named eigenvector_*.newick. These are in NHX format, and annotate the components of the eigenvectors onto the edges, using 0.0 for leaf edges and those that were filtered out for the PCA. They can for example be displayed by iTOL; search for NHX in the iTOL help to see how those values can be displayed.

Plotting and Analysis

The principal components projection of the samples can be plotted and for example colored according to some per-sample metadata feature, in order to reveal dependencies between the placements of a samples and its metadata:

First two Edge PCA components projected.

Furthermore, if the --write-...-tree options are used, the principal components are visualized on the tree:

First two Edge PCA component trees.

These trees allow to interpret how the plot above separates samples; that is, they show which edges contribute most to distinguish samples from each other. These trees can also be re-created using the annotated eigenvector_*.newick, so that instead of colors, some other way of visualization can be used.


When using this method, please do not forget to cite

Lucas Czech, Pierre Barbera, Alexandros Stamatakis. Genesis and Gappa: Processing, Analyzing and Visualizing Phylogenetic (Placement) Data. Bioinformatics, 2020. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa070

Frederick Matsen, Steven Evans. Edge Principal Components and Squash Clustering: Using the Special Structure of Phylogenetic Placement Data for Sample Comparison. PLOS ONE, 2013. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0056859

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