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Varargs fix & ABI refactoring #768

merged 47 commits into from
Feb 24, 2015

Varargs fix & ABI refactoring #768

merged 47 commits into from
Feb 24, 2015


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@kinke kinke commented Oct 26, 2014

This fixes the varargs horror (see #702, #172, #73 and ldc-developers/druntime#14) which proved to be an important obstacle for Win64.
In the course of this PR, things got slightly out of hand ;) and I ended up reworking big parts of LDC's ABI system, mainly the System V AMD64 ABI used on all x86_64 platforms except for Windows.

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kinke commented Oct 26, 2014

This code:

import core.vararg;
import core.stdc.stdio;

struct Small { long a; }
struct Big { long a, b; }

void testArguments(...)
    foreach (ti; _arguments)
        printf("  %s [size %d]\n", ti.toString().ptr, ti.tsize);

void testArgptr(T)(...)
    static if (__traits(isFloating, T))
        auto format = "%s %f\n";
        auto format = "%s %d\n";

    static if (!is(T == struct))
        printf(format.ptr, typeid(T).toString().ptr, va_arg!T(_argptr));
        printf(format.ptr, typeid(T).toString().ptr, va_arg!T(_argptr).a);

void main()

    immutable(Small) small = { 4L };

    Big big = { 5L, 6L };

    testArguments(1, 2.0, 3.0f, small, big);

on Win64 yields:

int 1
double 2.000000
float 3.000000
hello.Small 4
hello.Big 5
  int [size 4]
  double [size 8]
  float [size 4]
  immutable(hello.Small) [size 8]
  hello.Big [size 16]

Produced .ll:

; Function Attrs: uwtable
define i32 @_Dmain({ i64, { i64, i8* }* } %unnamed) #0 {
  %small = alloca %hello.Small, align 8
  %.structliteral = alloca %hello.Small
  %big = alloca %hello.Big, align 8
  %.structliteral1 = alloca %hello.Big
  %copy_for_callee = alloca %hello.Big, align 16
  %copy_for_callee2 = alloca %hello.Big, align 16
  %1 = load { i64, %object.TypeInfo** }* @._arguments.array
  call void ({ i64, %object.TypeInfo** }, ...)* @_D5hello18__T10testArgptrTiZ10testArgptrFNbYv({ i64, %object.TypeInfo** } %1, i32 1)
  %2 = load { i64, %object.TypeInfo** }* @._arguments.array5
  call void ({ i64, %object.TypeInfo** }, ...)* @_D5hello18__T10testArgptrTdZ10testArgptrFNbYv({ i64, %object.TypeInfo** } %2, double 2.000000e+00)
  %3 = load { i64, %object.TypeInfo** }* @._arguments.array7
  call void ({ i64, %object.TypeInfo** }, ...)* @_D5hello18__T10testArgptrTfZ10testArgptrFNbYv({ i64, %object.TypeInfo** } %3, float 3.000000e+00)
  %4 = getelementptr %hello.Small* %.structliteral, i32 0, i32 0
  store i64 4, i64* %4
  %5 = load i64* %4
  %6 = bitcast %hello.Small* %small to i8*
  %7 = bitcast %hello.Small* %.structliteral to i8*
  call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %6, i8* %7, i64 8, i32 1, i1 false)
  %8 = load %hello.Small* %small
  %9 = load { i64, %object.TypeInfo** }* @._arguments.array9
  %10 = bitcast %hello.Small* %small to i64*
  %11 = load i64* %10
  call void ({ i64, %object.TypeInfo** }, ...)* @_D5hello30__T10testArgptrTS5hello5SmallZ10testArgptrFNbYv({ i64, %object.TypeInfo** } %9, i64 %11)
  %12 = getelementptr %hello.Big* %.structliteral1, i32 0, i32 0
  store i64 5, i64* %12
  %13 = load i64* %12
  %14 = getelementptr %hello.Big* %.structliteral1, i32 0, i32 1
  store i64 6, i64* %14
  %15 = load i64* %14
  %16 = bitcast %hello.Big* %big to i8*
  %17 = bitcast %hello.Big* %.structliteral1 to i8*
  call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %16, i8* %17, i64 16, i32 1, i1 false)
  %18 = load %hello.Big* %big
  %19 = load { i64, %object.TypeInfo** }* @._arguments.array11
  %20 = load %hello.Big* %big
  store %hello.Big %20, %hello.Big* %copy_for_callee
  call void ({ i64, %object.TypeInfo** }, ...)* @_D5hello28__T10testArgptrTS5hello3BigZ10testArgptrFNbYv({ i64, %object.TypeInfo** } %19, %hello.Big* noalias nocapture %copy_for_callee)
  %21 = load { i64, %object.TypeInfo** }* @._arguments.array13
  %22 = bitcast %hello.Small* %small to i64*
  %23 = load i64* %22
  %24 = load %hello.Big* %big
  store %hello.Big %24, %hello.Big* %copy_for_callee2
  call void ({ i64, %object.TypeInfo** }, ...)* @_D5hello13testArgumentsFYv({ i64, %object.TypeInfo** } %21, i32 1, double 2.000000e+00, float 3.000000e+00, i64 %23, %hello.Big* noalias nocapture %copy_for_callee2)
  ret i32 0


; Function Attrs: uwtable
define weak_odr void @_D5hello30__T10testArgptrTS5hello5SmallZ10testArgptrFNbYv({ i64, %object.TypeInfo** } %._arguments, ...) #0 {
  %_argptr_mem = alloca i8*, align 8
  %_arguments_mem = alloca { i64, %object.TypeInfo** }
  %format = alloca { i64, i8* }, align 8
  %.int_to_composite = alloca %hello.Small, align 8
  %1 = alloca %hello.Small
  %2 = bitcast i8** %_argptr_mem to i8*
  call void @llvm.va_start(i8* %2)
  store { i64, %object.TypeInfo** } %._arguments, { i64, %object.TypeInfo** }* %_arguments_mem
  store { i64, i8* } { i64 6, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([7 x i8]* @.str17, i32 0, i32 0) }, { i64, i8* }* %format
  %3 = load { i64, i8* }* %format
  %4 = getelementptr { i64, i8* }* %format, i32 0, i32 1
  %.ptr = load i8** %4
  %5 = getelementptr %object.TypeInfo* bitcast (%"typeid(Small)"* @_D22TypeInfo_S5hello5Small6__initZ to %object.TypeInfo*), i32 0, i32 0
  %6 = load %object.TypeInfo.__vtbl** %5
  %"typeid(Small).toString@vtbl" = getelementptr %object.TypeInfo.__vtbl* %6, i32 0, i32 1
  %"typeid(Small).toString" = load { i64, i8* } (%object.TypeInfo*)** %"typeid(Small).toString@vtbl", align 8
  %tmp = call { i64, i8* } %"typeid(Small).toString"(%object.TypeInfo* bitcast (%"typeid(Small)"* @_D22TypeInfo_S5hello5Small6__initZ to %object.TypeInfo*))
  %.ptr1 = extractvalue { i64, i8* } %tmp, 1
  %tmp2 = call i64 @_D4core4stdc6stdarg25__T6va_argTS5hello5SmallZ6va_argFNaNbNiKPaZS5hello5Small(i8** %_argptr_mem)
  %7 = bitcast %hello.Small* %.int_to_composite to i64*
  store i64 %tmp2, i64* %7
  %8 = load %hello.Small* %.int_to_composite
  store %hello.Small %8, %hello.Small* %1
  %9 = getelementptr %hello.Small* %1, i32 0, i32 0
  %10 = load i64* %9
  %tmp3 = call i32 (i8*, ...)* @printf(i8* %.ptr, i8* %.ptr1, i64 %10)
  ret void

; Function Attrs: uwtable
define weak_odr void @_D5hello28__T10testArgptrTS5hello3BigZ10testArgptrFNbYv({ i64, %object.TypeInfo** } %._arguments, ...) #0 {
  %_argptr_mem = alloca i8*, align 8
  %_arguments_mem = alloca { i64, %object.TypeInfo** }
  %format = alloca { i64, i8* }, align 8
  %.rettmp = alloca %hello.Big, align 8
  %1 = bitcast i8** %_argptr_mem to i8*
  call void @llvm.va_start(i8* %1)
  store { i64, %object.TypeInfo** } %._arguments, { i64, %object.TypeInfo** }* %_arguments_mem
  store { i64, i8* } { i64 6, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([7 x i8]* @.str18, i32 0, i32 0) }, { i64, i8* }* %format
  %2 = load { i64, i8* }* %format
  %3 = getelementptr { i64, i8* }* %format, i32 0, i32 1
  %.ptr = load i8** %3
  %4 = getelementptr %object.TypeInfo* bitcast (%"typeid(Big)"* @_D20TypeInfo_S5hello3Big6__initZ to %object.TypeInfo*), i32 0, i32 0
  %5 = load %object.TypeInfo.__vtbl** %4
  %"typeid(Big).toString@vtbl" = getelementptr %object.TypeInfo.__vtbl* %5, i32 0, i32 1
  %"typeid(Big).toString" = load { i64, i8* } (%object.TypeInfo*)** %"typeid(Big).toString@vtbl", align 8
  %tmp = call { i64, i8* } %"typeid(Big).toString"(%object.TypeInfo* bitcast (%"typeid(Big)"* @_D20TypeInfo_S5hello3Big6__initZ to %object.TypeInfo*))
  %.ptr1 = extractvalue { i64, i8* } %tmp, 1
  call void @_D4core4stdc6stdarg23__T6va_argTS5hello3BigZ6va_argFNaNbNiKPaZS5hello3Big(%hello.Big* noalias sret %.rettmp, i8** %_argptr_mem)
  %6 = getelementptr %hello.Big* %.rettmp, i32 0, i32 0
  %7 = load i64* %6
  %tmp2 = call i32 (i8*, ...)* @printf(i8* %.ptr, i8* %.ptr1, i64 %7)
  ret void

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Trass3r commented Oct 26, 2014

isPassedWithByvalSemantics needs to be adjusted as well I think.
real is now 64bit and should be passed in a register according to MS docs. Though I haven't checked what msvc actually does for long double.

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kinke commented Oct 26, 2014

Yes you are right, reals are incorrectly passed byval and not as doubles! Returning a real strangely enough (correctly) returns a double.
I don't think isPassedWithByvalSemantics() is the right place though - the incoming type shouldn't be Tfloat80 in the first place.

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Trass3r commented Oct 26, 2014

Also I was in the process of checking struct return. We need to make sure the sret pointer is returned in RAX.

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kinke commented Oct 26, 2014

That is handled by LLVM:

Big bla(double x)
    Big r = { 666, 667 };
    return r;


    movq    %rcx, %rax
    movsd   %xmm1, 16(%rsp)
    movq    $666, (%rsp)
    movq    $667, 8(%rsp)
    movups  (%rsp), %xmm1
    movups  %xmm1, (%rcx)
    addq    $24, %rsp

The pointer is passed in RCX and immediately moved to RAX; afterwards, RAX is never touched.

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Trass3r commented Oct 26, 2014

Ok good.
I really wish one could configure ldc to use Intel syntax by default..

@kinke kinke force-pushed the vararg2 branch 4 times, most recently from fe5e263 to 510a3ad Compare October 26, 2014 19:52
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kinke commented Oct 26, 2014

Yeah well maybe isPassedWithByvalSemantics() is the right place for it - the last commit fixes the real issue.

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kinke commented Oct 26, 2014

Btw, we should probably call LLVM's va_end() intrinsic for _argptr before returning. I don't know where to put the call though...

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kinke commented Oct 26, 2014

Linux x86 even passes the test suite, that's quite unexpected. ;)

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Trass3r commented Oct 26, 2014

Our struct passing code doesn't consider PODness either.
Also see

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kinke commented Oct 27, 2014

Yes, PODness is probably ignored on Win64 and aggregates such as delegates and dynamic arrays might be passed incorrectly as well. We should probably use a toArgTypes() based solution for each target ABI.

I've added an experimental generic patch for druntime in ldc-developers/druntime#14 (System V still unsupported though).

/edit: PODness doesn't seem to be relevant here as the types have already been lowered to C structs. When passing non-trivial types by value, the caller creates a hidden copy, which is initialized with postblit constructor etc. Then that copy is bit-copied to byval_rewrite's copy_for_callee. The callee gets the pointer to copy_for_callee. The destructor is invoked on copy_for_callee by the callee; the first copy isn't destructed.

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kinke commented Nov 9, 2014

The latest commit is a bigger one, I'll add some line comments when I find the time. Please help test!

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Trass3r commented Nov 9, 2014

Very nice but it'd have been better to split this up into individual commits. Those line comments do help but will get lost eventually.

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kinke commented Nov 9, 2014

Yeah I know, I've split it up now.

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kinke commented Nov 13, 2014

@redstar and @klickverbot: did you take a look at this?

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@kinke: My comment somehow seems to have disappeared (probably I never pressed submit), give me a couple of minutes.
@Trass3r: There is -x86-asm-syntax=intel. You could always put that into your ldc2.conf.


// reverse parameter order
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I'd want to be sure that DMD is on board with this change before actually going through with it, since it breaks (naked) inline asm. What's the latest status regarding this on the DMD front? Also, I'd be mildly surprised if this actually passes all the Phobos tests without any further changes (e.g. BigInt, …).

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kinke commented Nov 14, 2014

Thanks for the comments, David. I completely forgot about inline assembly when it comes to reversing parameter order and returning complex numbers for extern(D). This is of course a major problem, so I'll undo these changes.

As to System V varargs ABI: seems to suggest the LLVM intrinsics (va_start/va_end/va_copy/va_arg) are able to handle all of that. Are you telling me we still have to compute that va_list struct manually (requiring perfect knowledge of the tedious register assignment)? I can't believe LLVM would have better support for Win64 than *nix x86-64 in this regard. :)

And as to System V ABI register assignment: there's an llvm::CallingConv::X86_64_SysV enum. Can that one be used or does LLVM really not support System V out of the box? It seems to have worked for extern(C) so far. Structs/static arrays <= 64 bit and of a power of 2 are rewritten as integers, all others are possibly rewritten using toArgTypes(). I hoped this would allow LLVM to get it right.

I hope to get LDC to compile in a Linux VM to experiment.

kinke added 13 commits February 23, 2015 22:52
Ignore pointer type mismatches as long as both types are pointers;
the element type has no effect on the memory layout.

The RegCount constructor had to be improved to handle more complex
types correctly (e.g., nested structs such as { { i64, i32* } }) as
these are not rewritten anymore.
Don't attempt to store past the end of alloca()ted memory.
This is important for structs passed in registers whose size
is not a power of 2.
Fix: alloca()te another sufficiently sized chunk, store into
it and then memcpy() the relevant bytes to the target chunk.
Use a map instead of a vector as the attribute index may get as
high as 0xFFFFFFFF (LLVM 3.1), apparently for function attributes.
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kinke commented Feb 23, 2015

Thanks Kai. I can reproduce the runnable/testabi.d dmd-testsuite issue (see #768 (comment)) with LLVM 3.2 when using -O2 and -O3. A LLVM 3.2 bug isn't likely, is it? ;)

Great, now the LLVM 3.4 and 3.5 debug jobs got ldc2 killed while compiling std.algorithm-unittest-debug. I guess that's due to some sort of Travis CI watchdog. The new druntime mini-change hardly affects performance; the move to a std::map in AttrSet in the last commit may have been costly when inserting attributes with decreasing index (when reversing the params for extern(D)), but I haven't checked whether that causes any significant slow-down.
The 32-bit issues are gone though.

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std.algorithm fails intermittently regardless of your change (OOM, mostly). Don't pay too much attention to it, it's something we need to fix at some point anyway.

Apparently required for LLVM 3.2.
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kinke commented Feb 24, 2015

Alright, the LLVM 3.2 issue is fixed too now. LLVM 3.1-3.5 all green except for std.algorithm kills.

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redstar commented Feb 24, 2015

I triggered Travis-CI to give you the joy of an all-green build. :-)

redstar added a commit that referenced this pull request Feb 24, 2015
Varargs fix & ABI refactoring
@redstar redstar merged commit 9ec79de into ldc-developers:master Feb 24, 2015
@redstar redstar mentioned this pull request Feb 25, 2015
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redstar commented Feb 25, 2015

@kinke Could you please contact me by mail ( Thanks!!!!

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