Plugin of leajs.
Single page router.
- Injects client side router into your routes
- Fallback to server side router for SEO or when no JS allowed
- Routes get bundled to save traffic
- Supports critical css (see get-critical-css)
- Supports localized routes
- Can serve polyfills depending on JS functionality
- Supports webpack manifest and chunk manifest
module.exports = {
// Configuration of spa router
// type: Object
spaRouter: {
// Namespace for the router e.g. /spa
base: "", // String
// Inject the client-router directly. True will inject a <script> and expose the file. When set to False, you are responsible to deliver the client, e.g. by using Webpack and `require('leajs-spa-router')`.
client: "inject", // [String, Boolean]
// criticalCss options
criticalCss: false, // [Object, Boolean]
// Name of critical css file
// Default: _critical
criticalCss.critical: null, // String
// Folder where critical/uncritical files are
// Default: app_build/
criticalCss.folder: null, // String
// Resolve hashed uncritical css file. See
// Default: true
criticalCss.hashed: null, // Boolean
// Vame of uncritical css file
// Default: _uncritical
criticalCss.uncritical: null, // String
// Default route
default: "/", // String
// Default folder for all routes. When using `locale` you can provide a function, e.g: (locale) => {"app/${locale}"}
folder: "app/", // [String, Function]
// Filename for empty url
index: "index", // String
// Default inject property for all routes. Each route with 'inject:true' will be included in all responses. Reduces requests, but costs more bandwidth.
inject: true, // Boolean
// Spa-router plugins to use. Absolute or relative to CWD path.
// Default:
plugins: null, // Array
// Conditional deliver polyfills
// Default: Promise polyfill yaku
// type: Object
// $item ([String, Object]) Polyfill config object, can be used for a shortcut of `spaRouter.polyfills.$item.check`
// $item.url (String) Url to deliver, will overwrite object key
// $item.check (String) JS condition to check in browser befor polyfill will be fetched
// $item.file (String) File to deliver
polyfills: null, // Object
// Redirect all unresolved requests to default route
redirect: true, // Boolean
// Name of the root file
root: "root", // String
// Routes lookup, will be merged into content of the routes file, if available
// $item (Object) a single route
// $item.file ([String, Function]) filename to load. When using `locale` you can provide a function, e.g: (locale) => {"file.${locale}"}
// $item.folder ([String, Function]) Overwrites default folder option
// $item.inject (Boolean) Overwrites default inject option
// $item.transform (String) Overwrites default transform option
routes: null, // Object
// Name of routes file
routesFile: "routes.config", // String
// Folders to search for routes file
routesFolder: ["./server","./"], // [String, Array]
// Name of a jstransformer to use by default. E.g. 'pug', would need `jstransformer-pug` to be installed
transform: null, // String
// Options object for jstransformers
transformOptions: {"cache":false}, // Object
// Id of view element
view: "view", // String
// Watch routes.config file for changes
// Default: not inProduction
watch: null, // Boolean
// Configuration object
// type: Object
webpack: {
// Filename of webpack chunk manifest file
// Default: Deactivated, when activated defaults to 'chunk-manifest.json'
chunkManifest: null, // [String, Boolean]
// Filename of webpack manifest file
// Default: Deactivated, when activated defaults to 'manifest.json'
manifest: null, // [String, Boolean]
// Output folder of webpack
// Default: Read from webpack.config 'output.path'
output: null, // String
// …
Read by read-conf, from ./
or ./server/
by default.
module.exports = {
"/someRoute": {
// Clientside: will be called after routing
after: null, // Function
// Clientside: will be called before routing
before: null, // Function
// filename to load. When using `locale` you can provide a function, e.g: (locale) => {"file.${locale}"}
// Default: name of the route
file: null, // [String, Function]
// Overwrites default folder option
folder: null, // [String, Function]
// Overwrites default inject option
inject: null, // Boolean
// Overwrites default transform option
transform: null, // String
// …
Copyright (c) 2018 Paul Pflugradt Licensed under the MIT license.