Develop tools bundle make develop more simple,now support 'run scripts'、'json auto format'、'markdown&html preview'、'time transition' more features will be added later
the extension allows you run package.json scripts command with npm by run button or run yourself command quickly by create dtconfig.json
扩展插件可以通过运行按钮运行项目目录下 package.json scripts 里面的命令,也可以在项目目录下创建的 dtconfig.json 文件,里面配置你要自定义运行的命令
the extension allows you open new window format json data auto by click the Tools bundle icon at right top menu,the json data can open or close
扩展插件可以在项目里打开新的窗口进行 json 数据格式化,通过点击菜单栏里右上角按钮打开,json 数据可以缩起或者展开查看
the extension allows you batch preview local markdown or html file
扩展插件可以集中管理批量预览本地的 markdown、html 文件
the extension allows you "time ms to time str"、"time str to timems"
you can add command at “package.json“ in “scripts“ part,the command will run with “npm“ use a new terminal
在项目目录下的 package.json scripts 里添加要运行的命令,则可以通过运行按钮以 npm 的方式执行,默认会打开一个新的命令行窗口执行命令
"scripts": {
"vscode:prepublish": "npm run package",
"compile": "webpack --devtool nosources-source-map --config ./build/node-extension.webpack.config.js",
"watch": "webpack --watch --devtool nosources-source-map --info-verbosity verbose --config ./build/node-extension.webpack.config.js",
"package": "webpack --mode production --config ./build/node-extension.webpack.config.js",
you can run yourself command,you should create a “dtconfig.json“ at your workplace then you should add a json with “execCmd“ part. if command start with “newcmd“,the command run will create a new terminal
在项目目录下,新建 dtconfig.json 文件,在里面添加包含 execCmd 的 json 格式数据,这样可以通过运行按钮快捷执行自定义命令。命令默认以第一个打开的命令窗口运行,若运行的命令需要用新打开的命令窗口运行,则在命令前面添加 newcmd
"execCmd": {
"Android Log": "react-native log-android",
"Android Log Create": "newcmd react-native log-android" //if command start with "newcmd",the command run will create a new terminal
click the Tools bundle icon at right top menu open the json format window,the json data can open or close by click the button near the line num
点击菜单栏右上角的 Tools bundle 按钮可打开工具窗口进行 json 数据格式化,json 数据可点击行号旁边的按钮缩起或者展开查看
you can batch preview local markdown and html file,you should create a “dtconfig.json“ at your workplace then you should add a json with “previewPage“ part,then config the item name 、folder 、file path.
你可以批量预览项目目录下的 markdown 和 html 文件。你需要先在项目根目录下创建 “dtconfig.json“ 文件,在里面添加包含 previewPage 的 json 格式数据,其里面的内容需配置要显示的名字及文件的路径 testFolder1、testFolder2 为根目录下的文件夹名称。文件夹名称和文件名称不是固定的
In the command palette (CMD + SHIFT + P
) select “Install Extension” and choose "Develop Tools”