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Jon Allen edited this page Sep 27, 2016 · 3 revisions

This is a simple interactive MoonScript prompt, which is already useful within its limitations. The main thing is that it cannot detect whether a statement starts a block, so you have to either use a final backslash or tab. If these are detected, then the block continues until an empty line.

If the moondump module is available (see Pretty Table Dumper it will use that. The Lua `linenoise' module is used on platforms that support it (available through LuaRocks) for basic line editing and history.

mooni does two hacks to make MoonScript work interactively; the first is to strip the first local statement from the generated Lua code, so that any created variables are global; the second is to keep track of created globals and force MoonScript to recognize them with a fake local declaration. The problem is the opposite of the usual 'destructive assignment' issue.

Example session (assumes that moondump is available):

scratch$ mooni
MoonScript version 0.2.3
Note: use backslash or tab to start a block
> i = 1
> i
> [x for x = 1,5]
> #_l
> S = (x) -> x*x
> [S x for x = 1,10]
> for i = 1,5 \
>>  print 'hello', i
hello	1
hello	2
hello	3
hello	4
hello	5

Like Lua, it also understands -l for 'load library' and -e for 'evaluate expression':

scratch$ mooni -llfs -e 'lfs.currentdir!'
#!/usr/bin/env moon
----- mooni -----
-- A basic MoonScript REPL
parse = require "moonscript.parse"
compile = require "moonscript.compile"
append = table.insert

-- need to keep track of what globals have been added during the session
oldg = {k,v for k,v in pairs _G}
_G._FOO = true

-- (this will return their names)
newglobs = -> [k for k in pairs _G when not oldg[k]]

chopline = (txt) -> txt\gsub '^[^\n]+\n','', 1
firstline = (txt) -> txt\match '^[^\n]*'

mytostring = tostring

capture = (ok,...) ->
    t = {...}
    t.n = select '#',...
    return ok,t

eval_lua = (lua_code) ->
    chunk,err = load lua_code, 'tmp'
    if err -- Lua compile error is rare!
        print err
    ok,res = capture pcall chunk
    if not ok -- runtime error
        print res[1]
    elseif #res > 0
        -- this allows for overriding basic value printing
        _G._l = res[1] -- save last value calculated
        out = [mytostring res[i] for i = 1,res.n]
        io.write table.concat(out,'\t'),'\n'

old_lua_code = nil

translate = (moon_code) ->
    -- Ugly fiddle #2: we force Moonscript code to regard
    -- any _new_ globals as known globals
    locs = 'local '..table.concat(newglobs!,',')
    moon_code = locs..'\n'..moon_code
    tree, err = parse.string moon_code
    if not tree
        print err
    lua_code, err, pos = compile.tree tree
    if not lua_code
        print compile.format_error err, pos, moon_code
    -- our code is ready
    -- Fiddle #2 requires us to lose the top local declarations we inserted
    lua_code = chopline lua_code
    -- Fiddle #1 Moonscript will of course declare any new variables
    -- as local. This fiddle removes the 'local'
    was_local, rest = lua_code\match '^local (%S+)(.+)'
    if was_local
        if rest\match '\n' then rest = firstline rest
        -- two cases; either a direct local assignmnent or a declaration line
        if rest\match '='
            lua_code = lua_code\gsub '^local%s+', ''
            lua_code = chopline lua_code
    old_lua_code = lua_code
    eval_lua lua_code

opts,i = {},0
nexta = ->
    i += 1
while true
    a = nexta!
    break if not a
    flag,rest = a\match '^%-(%a)(%S*)'
    if flag == 'l'
        lib = (rest and #rest > 0) and rest or nexta!
        require lib
    elseif flag == 'e'
        translate nexta!
        os.exit 0

ok,dump = pcall require,'moondump'
if ok
    mytostring = dump
    _G.tstring = mytostring

normal, block = '> ','>> '
prompt = normal
get_line = nil    
ok,LN = pcall require, 'linenoise'
if ok
    get_line = ->
        line = LN.linenoise prompt
        if line and line\match '%S'
            LN.addhistory line
    get_line = ->
        io.write prompt!

print 'MoonScript version 0.2.3'
print 'Note: use backslash or tab to start a block'

while true
    line = get_line!
    if not line then break
    -- a line ending with a tab or a backslash starts a block
    if line\match '[\t\\]$'
        prompt = block
        line = line\gsub '\\$',''
        code = {line}
        line = get_line!
        while #line > 0  -- block ends with empty line
            append code, line
            line = get_line!
        prompt = normal
        code = table.concat code, '\n'
        translate code
    elseif line\match '^%?que'
        print old_lua_code
        translate line
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