Python script to upload or download firmware to / from ST Microelectronics STM32 microcontrollers over UART.
Also supports ST BlueNRG devices, and the SweetPeas bootloader for Wiznet W7500.
Compatible with Python version 3.2 to 3.7 or 2.7.
./ [-hqVewvrsRB] [-l length] [-p port] [-b baud] [-P parity] [-a address] [-g address] [-f family] [file.bin]
-e Erase (note: this is required on previously written memory)
-u Readout unprotect
-w Write file content to flash
-v Verify flash content versus local file (recommended)
-r Read from flash and store in local file
-l length Length of read
-p port Serial port (default: /dev/tty.usbserial-ftCYPMYJ)
-b baud Baud speed (default: 115200)
-a address Target address (default: 0x08000000)
-g address Start executing from address (0x08000000, usually)
-f family Device family to read out device UID and flash size; e.g F1 for STM32F1xx
-h Print this help text
-q Quiet mode
-V Verbose mode
-s Swap RTS and DTR: use RTS for reset and DTR for boot0
-R Make reset active high
-B Make boot0 active high
-u Readout unprotect
-P parity Parity: "even" for STM32 (default), "none" for BlueNRG -e -w -v somefile.bin
This will pre-erase flash, write somefile.bin
to the flash on the device, and then perform a verification after writing is finished.
- ST AN2606: STM32 microcontroller system memory boot mode
- ST AN3155: USART protocol used in the STM32 bootloader
- ST AN4872: BlueNRG-1 and BlueNRG-2 UART bootloader protocol
Original Version by Ivan A-R ( Contributions by Domen Puncer, James Snyder, Floris Lambrechts, Atokulus.
Inspiration for features from:
Configurable RTS/DTR and polarity, extended erase with sectors:
Memory unprotect
Correct checksum calculation for sector erase: jsnyder#4
ST BlueNRG chip support
Wiznet W7500 chip / SweetPeas custom bootloader support
The below assumes you are connecting an STM32F10x. For other chips, the serial pins and/or the BOOT0 / BOOT1 values may differ.
Make the following connections:
- Serial adapter GND to MCU GND.
- Serial adapter power to MCU power or vice versa (either 3.3 or 5 Volt).
- Note if you're using 5 Volt signaling or 3V3 on the serial adapter.
- Serial TX to MCU RX (PA10).
- Serial RX to MCU TX (PA9).
- Serial DTR to MCU RESET.
- Serial RTS to MCU BOOT0 (or BOOT0 to 3.3V).
If either RTS or DTR are not available on your serial adapter, you'll have to manually push buttons or work with jumpers. When given a choice, set BOOT0 manually high and drive reset through the serial adepter (it needs to toggle, whereas BOOT0 does not).
- Extended erase with specific sectors
- Command-line argument for readout protection
- Command-line argument for write protection/unprotection
- STM8 devices (ST UM0560)
- Other bootloader protocols (e.g. I2C, HEX -> implemented in stm32flash)