Intro to metaprogramming in Ruby
Ruby Metaprogramming
- [Wiki] Metaprogramming is the writing of computer programs with the ability to treat programs as their data. It means that a program could be designed to read, generate, analyze or transform other programs, and even modify itself while running.
- Everything is an object, event class, method, and nil value...
- Every object belongs to a class
- Class names are nothing but constants
- All classes ultimately inherit from Object, which in turn inherits from BasicObject, the root of the Ruby class hierarchy
- The methods of an object are also the instance methods of its class
- The methods of a class are the instance methods of Class
- Classes are never closed. You can always re-open existing Ruby classes
- a special variable that always references the current object
- the default receiver of method calls
- include - By default, it mixes in the specified module's methods as instance methods in the target module/class. e.g.
- extend - adds the specified module's methods and constants to the target's metaclass (i.e. the singleton class) e.g.
- included
- extended
- a.dosomething
- a.send(:do_something)
- a.method(:do_something).call
- Each object in Ruby has its own anonymous class, a class that can have methods, but is only attached to the object itself
- An anonymous class is also known as a singleton class, eigenclass, ghost class, metaclass or an uniclass.
- define_method
- method_missing
- eval / instance_eval / class_eval / module_eval
- class_variable_get / class_variable_set / instance_variable_get / instance_variable_set / const_get / const_set
Author: leanhdaovn