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Websocket Server JSON
The Leap Motion service/daemon provides a WebSocket server listening to port 6347 on the localhost domain. The server provides tracking data in the form of JSON formated messages.
Connecting to the WebSocket server
// Support both the WebSocket and MozWebSocket objects
if ((typeof(WebSocket) == 'undefined') &&
(typeof(MozWebSocket) != 'undefined')) {
WebSocket = MozWebSocket;
// Create the socket with event handlers
function init() {
// Create and open the socket
ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:6437/");
// On successful connection
ws.onopen = function(event) {
var enableMessage = JSON.stringify({enableGestures: true});
ws.send(enableMessage); // Enable gestures
// On message received
ws.onmessage = function(event) {
var trackingdata = JSON.parse(event.data);
// ...do something with the data
// On socket close
ws.onclose = function(event) {
ws = null;
// On socket error
ws.onerror = function(event) {
alert("Received error");
Each frame of data from the WebSocket server contains JSON defining a frame. The attributes of a frame in the JSON message are similar, but not identical to those of a Frame object obtained through the native library. They include:
"id": float
"r": array of floats (Matrix)
"s": float
"t": array of floats (Vector)
"timestamp": integer
"hands": array of Hand objects
"direction": array of floats (Vector)
"id": integer
"palmNormal": array of floats (Vector)
"palmPosition": array of floats (Vector)
"palmVelocity": array of floats (Vector)
"r": array of floats (Matrix)
"s": float
"sphereCenter": array of floats (Vector)
"sphereRadius": float
"t": array of floats (Vector)
"interactionBox": object
"center": array of floats (Vector)
"size": array of floats (Vector)
"pointables": array of Pointable objects
"direction": array of floats (Vector)
"handId": integer
"id": integer
"length": float
"stabilizedTipPosition": array of floats (Vector)
"tipPosition": array of floats (Vector)
"tipVelocity": array of floats (Vector)
"tool": boolean (true or false)
"touchDistance": float
"touchZone": string - one of "none", "hovering", "touching"
"gestures": array of Gesture objects
"center": array of floats (Vector)
"duration": integer microseconds
"handIds": array of integers
"id": integer
"normal": array of floats
"pointableIds": array
"progress": float,
"radius": float,
"state": string - one of "start", "update", "stop"
"type": string - one of "circle", "swipe", "keyTap", "screenTap"
Protocol versions +++++++++++++++++++
The current version of the protocol is v2.json. The format is the same as the previous version (v1.json), but the WebSocket server now accepts a heartbeat message to suppress plug-ins.
The motion factors, r, s, t, attached to Hand and Frame objects are snapshots of the motion occuring across frames. These factors must be combined with those of a previous frame to derive the relative motion.
- r -- a 3x3 rotation matrix
- s -- a scale factor
- t -- a 3-element translation vector
Rotation factor ++++++++++++++++
The matrix expressing the relative rotation between two frames can be calculated by multiplying the r matrix from the current frame by the inverse of the r matrix of the starting frame.
\mathbf{rotation} = \mathbf{r_{current frame}} * \mathbf{r_{since frame}^{-1}}
Scale factor +++++++++++++
The relative scale factor between two frames can be calculated by subtracting the s value from the starting frame from the current s value and taking the natural logarithm of the result.
scalefactor = s_{current frame} - s_{sinceframe}
Translation factor ++++++++++++++++++++
The relative translation factor between two frames can be calculated by subtracting the t vector from the starting frame from the current t factor.
\mathbf{\overrightarrow{translation}} = \mathbf{\vec{t}}_{current frame} - \mathbf{\vec{t}}_{since frame}
A user interacting with your Leap-enabled application can cause unintended interactions with background Leap-enabled applications, such as the Leap Motion OS Interaction touch emulation feature.
Leap Developers — API Docs — LeapJS — Plugins — GLMatrix