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- Go
- Hashnode - Q&A community for coders.
- Nixers
- NixOS
- Quora - Q&A community
- Rust internals
- Stack exchange hot - 133 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow.
- Stack overflow - Programming Help Forum.
- Sublime Text
- Sublime
- Swift
- Taskpaper
- Users rust
- Alfred - Share Alfred workflows.
- Binary age
- Bootstrapped - A useful and informative forum guiding the software Bootstrapper.
- - Community discussion site about immune repertoire analysis.
- Discourse
- DMT Nexus
- Eth Research
- Geekhack
- Hack forums
- Hazel
- Hugo
- Syncthing
- Things network
- Script debugger
- Shroomery
- Rclone
- Keyboard Maestro
- Longecity
- Mac Power Users