Ahmed Abdulrahman | Creative Developer @Oakwood
In order to follow a long with workshop, make sure you install the followings:
- Nodejs: Lastest version >= 10
- Yarn or NPM: They are both package manager but yarn is prefered for version locking
- Insomnia or Postman: they are REST client that allwos you to test calls to APIs.
- MongoDB
- Robomongo: Its a visual tool helping you manage Database MongoDB.
You need to have an Code Editor to start with the project. Pick you favorite:
You need to check out to each exercise branch as the course progresses.
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In this exercise, we'll be creating a simple Express based API in node:
- Install dependencies with yarn or npm
- Create a route that sends back some json
- Create a route that accepts json and logs it
- Start the server
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In this exercise, you'll be creating routes and sub routers for DB resources using Express routing and routers
- Create a router for the Item resource
- Create full crud routes and create placeholder controllers
- Mount router on the root server
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In this exercise, you'll be taking what you learned about Mongoose and MongoDb to create a Schema and Model for the Item resource.
- Create a schema for the item resource
- Add the correct fields (look at test)
- Add the correct validations (look at test)
- extra add compund index to ensure all tasks in a list have unique names
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In this exercise, we'ill hook our routes up to our Models so we can perfom CRUD on the models based on the routes + verbs. That's exactly what controllers do.
- Create CRUD Resolvers in
- Create Controllers for the Item resources using the base CRUD resolvers
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In this exercise, we'll be securing down our API using JWT's (JSON Web Token)
- Create a Signup controller
- Create a Signin controller
- Create a protect middlware to lock down API routes