Tower of Fantasy party finder using Discord Bot API written in GO and using discordgo API
- GO
I used 1.19.1 so it might not be usable in some version but you can try :)
- Your own discord bot
Token and Application ID because slash command require Application ID to register command
- Download the source
- Create file name "config.env"
- In "config.env", Create ENV variable name
and may look like this. Oh, and of course use your own
- Run using
go run .
orgo build
then run .exe and you are done!
- You can join the same party twice and when you press "Leave Party", it will panic
- Party that only available to specific Guild only
NONE! Why? Because it's quite easy to write. It'll take you a little to no effort.
- Why named "Phoenix Manger"?
Because my CREW name is "PHOENIX"
- Why GO?
TBH I like Python because it's easy to write and understand but it DOES NOT compile down to .exe that can execute quickly by just simply double click. Of course there's a way but that's too much work to be done so I choose GO
Hey, if you wanna play Tower of Fantasy with me, you can add me in the game. I'm on SEA - Odyssey and my character name is "Meonako". Have a good day!