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Scrap crypto exchange tickers, fire tensorflow, see what will happen next


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We are scraping crypto exchanges, fire Tensorflow and create predictions. The predictions made by this software will NOT be correct!

This project wants to predict prices of crypto currencies and will NOT work. :) This is more a tech playground to try out new things. Anyways: We are scraping poloniex, bittrex, bitstamp and bitfinex. Polo and bittrex are having way more trading pairs, so for playing around with the NN, these exchanges are a good way to go.

How it looks like in action

Scrapers are running on NodeJS and publish the scraped trades to a RabbitMQ queue. A symfony 3 application sits in the middle and consumes from rabbit. The trades are persisted to a MySQL and forwarded to the users on the frontend over WebSockets. We create a network config on the PHP level, then we put the config intoa JSON message and transfer it over a queue to a Python consumer that generates to Tensorflow network files. Training-Data is generated on the PHP layer as well (which is questionable, see the To-Do section), stored on a mount (we support local-filesystem and S3, see the oneup_flysystem section on app/config/config.yml) and a training-message is transferred via Queue. Another Python consumer processes the training Messages. We have a nice option "generate Image" on the create-network view. If set, we will generate a SVG with the network topology after each successful training ATTENTION! This is mostly to visualize the topology changes on a longer time-scope (we put the images of the training runs into a slideshow, so you can see the weights changing on the connections) and will probably "crash" your application if you enable this feature on a "not-small" network (which, in this context, means "anything with more than 50 inputs", as the resulting images are very big). By the way, as this is somehow a nice feature, i have extracted the part for the image generation to a separate repo:

Finding nice usable parameters for your network is not an easy task, keep in mind: The "Time-Scope" setting affects 1:1 the amount of training-data you will have available in each training run. But: if you set if to something like e.g. a week, your network wont be usable on the dashboard (as we request predictions there in a 15-seconds interval, and alone assembling the training-data for a one-week scope will require longer). A more-helpful documentation will be added soonish.

Regarding Order-Books: The order-books are currently only for the following symbols on bittrex:

  • BTC-SC


You need:

  • latest docker and docker-compose version
  • gulp + browser-sync will help during local development

To avoid conflicts between host and container NPM modules, please use node ~v9.9.0



cp docker-compose.yml.dist docker-compose.yml
docker-compose build
docker-compose run --rm --user www-data nc_phpfpm composer install --prefer-dist
docker-compose run --rm --user www-data nc_scraper_bittrex yarn install
docker-compose run --rm --user www-data nc_scraper_bittrex bower install
bin/ bin/console doctrine:database:create
bin/ bin/console doctrine:schema:up --force
docker-compose up -d
#if you want entries in /etc/hosts for your containers
sudo bin/

Mac: Mostly the same, but use

docker-machine start neuralcoin
eval $(docker-machine env neuralcoin)
bin/ $(docker-machine ip neuralcoin)

to bring up the stack and set corresponding entries in /etc/hosts

Then open http://neuralcoin.local/status You should see some trade-activity in the ticker on the right. If so, we are almost there. Just let the setup run for 10 minutes or so, then fire the command

bin/ bin/console neuralcoin:update-symbol-exchanges

This will update the DB and configure which symbols are available on what exchange. Now you should be good to go :)

Mac-Users: if you experience performance issues, try to change docker-compose.yml mounts to cached driver (requires latest, guess this line will be untrue pretty soon...meh.) Replace - ./:/code mounts with - ./:/code:cached

Good luck and happy predicting :)


If you dont see any trades in the ticker on /status, maybe the rabbit queues are not being processed. You should be able to login to rabbit management interface on http://nc_rabbitmq:15672

The Bittrex API is very unstable lately. If the scraper fails to connect, just restart the container until the connection is successful.


  • The frontend code is in bad shape :/ Parts are in ReactJS (on the dashboard), parts are..not (on the create-network view). There are no tests for it and the code- and file-structure is semi nice.
  • The directory structure in general is unnecessary complex and should be cleaned up
  • we assemble the training-data in PHP, and i'm pretty sure that could be done way more elegant in Python, but that would require to process the network-configuration in Python as well, so this is a bigger to-do, and brings up the question how the whole thing would look like with Django-or-something in the middle instead of symfony (which i mostly chose because...well, there was this idea of selling this thing, which would have required not just a User+Auth layer but a big bunch of other "traditional web-related bindings", which Symfony can do very well).


Scrap crypto exchange tickers, fire tensorflow, see what will happen next







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