Allows multiple parties to agree on transactions before execution. Allows to add and remove owners and update the number of required confirmations. A web user interface can be found here.
git clone
cd MultiSigWallet
vagrant up
cd /vagrant/contracts/
python -m unittest tests.test_multisig_wallet
cd /vagrant/contracts/
python -m unittest discover tests
Remember to change owner addresses in the respective JSON file before deployment!
cd /vagrant/contracts/
python -f deploy/MultiSig.json
cd /vagrant/contracts/
python -f deploy/MultiSigWithDailyLimit.json
This implementation does not allow the creation of smart contracts via multisignature transactions. Transactions to address 0 cannot be done. Any other transaction can be done.
All contracts are WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
The following people have reviewed the code at the time of the linked commit:
- Stefan George (Georgi87): b9405cc30de4615e325b1d46c71cdef670bdeadc
- Golem [0x7da82c7ab4771ff031b66538d2fb9b0b047f6cf9] (