Vitual Monitor 把下载的代码解压缩%ProgramFiles%\virtualmonitor 把里面的快捷方式复制到桌面就可以根据文字提示添加删除虚拟显示了
- 在 windows 自动的任务计划程序 中添加任务,随便啥名字
- 创建任务--“不管”,“不存”,“使用”
- 触发器--把“按预定计划”改成“启动时”
- 操作--输入 %ProgramFiles%\VirtualMonitor\autoadd1.bat--确定保存就可以了
English Ver.
- unzip and copy VirtualMonitor folder to %ProgramFiles%
- copy out VirtualMonitor_en or VirtualMonitor_cn to desktop, or anyplace double click one it, run as administrator
- input 1 in cmd, for 1st time use
in System -- Display set your screen
!!! for remove virtual monitor if only got one virtual monittor, choose 2 stop driver, do not directcly choose 4 remove that one it may cause black screen since all monitor removed, need press 3 add back, remote cannot !!!
Auto start
- search and open Task Scheduler--Create Task
- Give any name you may wanna,
- choose "Run whether..." click on "Do not store password..." and "Run with highest..."
- Trigger--new--change "On a schedule" to "At startup"--press OK
- Action--new--Browser, select %ProgramFiles%\VirtualMonitor\autoadd1.bat