This is a Docker image build for Scratch3 editor on node.js server.
Scratch GUI is a set of React components that comprise the interface for creating and running Scratch 3.0 projects. More detail see
To run the editor, you must mapping tcp 80 port when run the container first time, use command below:
docker run -p 80:80 --name scratch -d leejoneshane/docker-scratch3
If the dev server is running then go to http://docker_host_ip/
If you want to change the web dev server confugure, you should copy the container's VOLUME data first, command below:
docker cp scratch:/usr/src/app /root/scratch3
Then edit the /root/scratch-vm/webpack.config.js change the webpack-dev-server configuration. The next step, you must remove old container and run a new container with -v, command below:
docker run --name scratch -v /root/scratch3:/usr/src/app -d leejoneshane/docker-scratch3