A simple HTTP Web Server that can serve static files under a given directory.
The server also supports:
- Directory listing
- XML Parsing
- Concurrent Workers
- Server statistics page
- mainServer : our main thread for the server
- clientThread : worker thread that takes the required data and sends the response
- statThread : statistics thread
- xmlParser : XML Parser for the configuration
- reqOb : constructs an object with the required data for the clientThread
mainServer runs a Web-Server continously in its main thread.
It can support 2 threads-workers(clientThread class) which handle the response on port 8000.
Also, on another thread, we have port 8001 that shows the Statistics about the server.
About XML Parsing:
The Server is configured to run at /root/ directory. (In Windows, it's C:/root/ ) `config.xml` file is in a different format than the example that you provide us. You do not have to place the configuration file as an argument when running the program. You just need to have it under the same directory with the executable. If you want to change a directory or a port for the server to use, just edit the config.xml. It's in a simpler format for the XML DOM Parser libraries to use, without node-kids searching.
About the logs:
`access_log.txt` and `error_log.txt` are created under /root/.
About concurrency-threads :
Our program can support 2 workers that send responses. We use a BlockingQueue where we load there the required data for the request. The workers take the objects from the queue and work for them sending the response. This is a technique to solve concurrency problems since when a worker tries to take an object from the BlockingQueue and it's null, the worker blocks until an object gets put into the queue for him to work! Also, we added "synchronized" prefix on some methods in clientThread (worker class) so only one thread runs the method at the time and doesn't interrupt the other. Just like the 'locks' example we saw in the lectures. **Last but not least, uncomment line 99-100 in mainServer to test the second worker.**
Quick Note:
There is no need to put the .xml config file as an argument. We handle this automatically.
Eleftherios Panagiotis Loukas : eleftheriosloukas@gmail.com - eloukas@uth.gr Katerina Kanellopoulou : akanellop@uth.gr