0.88 - Significant tidying
Down to 61 'self compilation' errors.
- Don't force parameter type - allow parameters to be displaced in code
- Improve explicit generics for java 1.6 function args
- Cope (but not particularly well yet) with groovy invokedynamics.
- Fix issue where explicit classfile permissions are more generous than inner class permissions.
- Explicit cast if we're returning a generic place holder.
- Fix uneccessary redundant bracing
- Fix a precedence issue
- Check for correct overload calling POST erasure - means less explicit argument casting.
- Explicit final on loop iters, when forced by inner class usage
- Change placeholder binding collision policy
- Fix possible illegal rewrite of ternaries when de-inlining assignments
- Improve synthetic accessor rewriter.
- Feed back type information from detected loops
- Extract aggressive inlining of assignments, if it can no longer help simplifying code
- Tidy statics so we use simple name where possible
- Fix bad type on unused null argument
- Attempt to resolve any outstanding type clashes at scope discovery time