This is a port of the famous Amiga Boing bouncing ball demo to the Agon Light, using BBC BASIC.
At the moment this requires some patches to the VDP (see my agon-vdp repository), to work. So, running this on a stock VDP will not work.
Assuming you have the right VDP, then copy all the files into a folder and then just load and run loader.bas. It will automatically CHAIN boing.bas when it is done. It takes a couple of minutes to load all the bitmaps. Once the bitmaps are loaded you can re-run the boing.bas. I did it like this to make debugging easier.
NOTE If you Escape out the program, the screen will not refresh as it will be in double-buffer mode. Type "MODE 3" (or whatever) to switch back to a non-double-buffered mode.
I pre-created the bitmaps of the ball (18 frames) and shadow on Linux, then converted them into BBC BASIC compatible data files. They are basically two integers for width and height and then width * height integers with the RGBA2222 values.