This is LeoColloSharp, a tool to search collocates.
LeoColloSharp helps you consult the most commonly used collocates of nouns and verbs, and hence helps make your writing more idiomatic.
- Please input a noun or a verb in its base form.
- Then, click Start.
- Input 'data' for a first try. LeoColloSharp will provides you the frequent collocates of 'data'.
The collocates were extracted from the ENCOW14 corpus ( Our sincere thanks to the developers of the ENCOW14 corpus. Users of LeoColloSharp are encouraged to cite their works (
LeoColloSharp is designed and developed by Leo Lei Lei with C#.
Comments and suggestions are much appreciated.
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Users of LeoColloSharp are encouraged to cite any of the following if they use LeoColloSharp in writing:
Deng, Yaochen, Lei, Lei, & Liu, Dilin. 2020. Calling for more consistency, refinement, and critical consideration in the use of syntactic complexity measures for writing. Applied Linguistics.
Wu, Xue, Mauranen, Anna, & Lei, Lei. (2020). Syntactic complexity in English as a lingua franca academic writing. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 100798.
Lei, Lei, & Wen, Ju. 2019. Is dependency distance experiencing a process of minimization? A diachronic study based on the State of the Union addresses. Lingua, S002438411930511X.
Lei, Lei, & Liu, Dilin. 2019. The research trends and contributions of System’s publications over the past four decades (1973–2017): A bibliometric analysis. System.
Lei, Lei, & Liu, Dilin. 2019. Research Trends in Applied Linguistics from 2005 - 2016: A Bibliometric Analysis and Its Implications. Applied Linguistics. 40(3):540–561.
Shi, Yaqian, & Lei, Lei. 2019. The evolution of LGBT labelling words: Tracking 150 years of the interaction of semantics with social and cultural changes. English Today, 1–7.
Lei, Lei, & Liu, Dilin. 2018. The Academic English Collocation List: A corpus-driven study. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics. 23(2): 216-243.
Liu, Dilin, & Lei, Lei. 2018. The appeal to political sentiment: An analysis of Donald Trump’s and Hillary Clinton’s speech themes and discourse strategies in the 2016 US presidential election. Discourse, Context & Media. 25: 143-152
Lei, Lei, & Jockers, Matthew. 2018. Normalized Dependency Distance: Proposing a New Measure. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics.
Zhu, Haoran, & Lei, Lei. 2018. Is Modern English becoming less inflectionally diversified? Evidence from an entropy-based algorithm. Lingua. 126: 10-27.
v0.2, May 8, 2020, Icon added. Better packaged.
v0.1, May 6, 2020, First prototype.