And I love computers. Like, for real. By the way, I am a Phd student in computer science at the Institute of Computing, Unicamp. My main research interests are high performance computing, compilers and computer architecture.
- ✨ Me and my group are currently working on optimizing a multi-GPU scientific application implemented in CUDA.
- 📚 I will be teaching some classes in the Introduction to Parallel Programming course during the second half of 2020.
- My native language is portuguese 🇧🇷
- I am fluent in english 🇺🇸
- But I also speak a little bit of german 🇩🇪 (Prost! 🍻)
Send an email to contact[at]gustavoleite[dot]me
or talk to me at Twitter!
For more information, please take a look at my Curriculum Vitae.