Autocomplete widget for appcelerator alloy
A lot of work have to be done before this widget Is fully functional.
To get all up and running you have to add "no.leitom.autocomplete":"1.0" to your alloy config dependencies.
In a view create something like:
<Window class="container">
<TextField id="textInput" left="5" top="10" height="50" width="150" borderStyle="Ti.UI.INPUT_BORDERSTYLE_ROUNDED" />
<Widget id="test" src="no.leitom.autocomplete" />
And in your controller:
// Set options // Options can be altered at all times $.test.setOptions({
textfield: $.textInput,
//collection: '', // Only the model name
//collectionFilterAttribute: '', // Wich attribute in the model to look for
data : [
// Run init to start $.test.init();
$.index.addEventListener('close', function(_e) {
// Clean up the autocomplete. $.test.dettach();