./create-spark-cluster -n nodes -m memory -c cpus -t time
nodes - integer (default: 1)
memory - integer, needs to end with K, M or G. eg. 4G (default: 4G)
cpus - integer (default: 4)
time - integer, needs to end with s, m or h. eg. 30m (default: 1h)
Will output to spark_details.txt file and print to screen after sleeping.
Example output:
Thu Feb 18 17:17:49 EST 2021: started Spark cluster master: spark://c15n10.ruddle.hpc.yale.internal:7077
Thu Feb 18 17:17:49 EST 2021: Spark Master UI port: MasterUI' on port 8080.
Thu Feb 18 17:17:49 EST 2021: SLURM_JOB_ID: 11198281
Sometimes there is a lag in the file system. If it fails, look in the file yourself
cat spark_details.txt
There are three possible connections when running hail on a Spark cluster:
- Connection to the Spark Master node UI
#ssh tunnel to local port 8020
ssh -f -N -L 8020:c15n10:4040 netid@ruddle.hpc.yale.edu
#Access using your browser by going to
- Hail connection to the Spark Master node
Running on Apache Spark version 2.4.1
SparkUI available at http://c13n10.ruddle.hpc.yale.internal:4040
Welcome to
__ __ <>__
/ /_/ /__ __/ /
/ __ / _ `/ / /
/_/ /_/\\_,_/_/_/ version 0.2.61-3c86d3ba497a
LOGGING: writing to /gpfs/ycga/home/ml2529/hail-20210218-1721-0.2.61-3c86d3ba497a.log
- Connection to the Hail (application) Spark UI
#ssh tunnel to local port 8021
ssh -f -N -L 8021:c13n10:4040 netid@ruddle.hpc.yale.edu
#Access using your browser by going to
Make the output of the script more user friendly and fault tolerant