An ES6 autocomplete for your input
using standards Bootstrap 5 (and 4) styles.
No additional CSS needed!
import Autocomplete from "./autocomplete.js";
When using NPM package:
import Autocomplete from "bootstrap5-autocomplete";
When using CDN version from TypeScript file, for example:
import Autocomplete, { type Config } from "";
const options: Partial<Config> = {
Autocomplete.init('#myInput', options);
Path mapping in tsconfig.json
is required in order to load types from local NPM package:
"compilerOptions": {
"paths": {
"": [ "./node_modules/bootstrap5-autocomplete" ]
You can also use options provided by the server. This script expects a JSON response with the following structure:
"value": "server1",
"label": "Server 1"
Simply set data-server
where your endpoint is located. The suggestions will be populated upon init except if data-live-server
is set, in which case, it will be populated on type. A ?query= parameter is passed along with the current value of the searchInput.
Data can be nested in the response under the data key (configurable with serverDataKey).
Options can be either passed to the constructor (eg: optionName) or in data-option-name format.
Name | Type | Description |
showAllSuggestions | Boolean |
Show all suggestions even if they don't match |
suggestionsThreshold | Number |
Number of chars required to show suggestions |
maximumItems | Number |
Maximum number of items to display |
autoselectFirst | Boolean |
Always select the first item |
ignoreEnter | Boolean |
Ignore enter if no items are selected (play nicely with autoselectFirst=0) |
tabSelect | Boolean |
Tab will trigger selection if active |
updateOnSelect | Boolean |
Update input value on selection (doesn't play nice with autoselectFirst) |
highlightTyped | Boolean |
Highlight matched part of the label |
highlightClass | String |
Class added to the mark label |
fullWidth | Boolean |
Match the width on the input field |
fixed | Boolean |
Use fixed positioning (solve overflow issues) |
fuzzy | Boolean |
Fuzzy search |
startsWith | Boolean |
Must start with the string. Defaults to false (it matches any position). |
fillIn | Boolean |
Show fill in icon. |
preventBrowserAutocomplete | Boolean |
Additional measures to prevent browser autocomplete |
itemClass | String |
Applied to the dropdown item. Accepts space separated classes. |
activeClasses | Array |
By default: ["bg-primary", "text-white"] |
labelField | String |
Key for the label |
valueField | String |
Key for the value |
searchFields | Array |
Key for the search |
queryParam | String |
Key for the query parameter for server |
items | Array | Object |
An array of label/value objects or an object with key/values |
source | function |
A function that provides the list of items |
hiddenInput | Boolean |
Create an hidden input which stores the valueField |
hiddenValue | String |
Populate the initial hidden value. Mostly useful with liveServer. |
clearControl | String |
Selector that will clear the input on click. |
datalist | String |
The id of the source datalist |
server | String |
Endpoint for data provider |
serverMethod | String |
HTTP request method for data provider, default is GET |
serverParams | String | Object |
Parameters to pass along to the server. You can specify a "related" key with the id of a related field. |
serverDataKey | String |
By default: data |
fetchOptions | Object |
Any other fetch options ( |
liveServer | Boolean |
Should the endpoint be called each time on input |
noCache | Boolean |
Prevent caching by appending a timestamp |
debounceTime | Number |
Debounce time for live server |
notFoundMessage | String |
Display a no suggestions found message. Leave empty to disable |
onRenderItem | RenderCallback |
Callback function that returns the label |
onSelectItem | ItemCallback |
Callback function to call on selection |
onClearItem | ValueCallback |
Callback function to call on clear |
onServerResponse | ServerCallback |
Callback function to process server response. Must return a Promise |
onServerError | ErrorCallback |
Callback function to process server errors. |
onChange | ItemCallback |
Callback function to call on change-event. Returns currently selected item if any |
onBeforeFetch | FetchCallback |
Callback function before fetch |
onAfterFetch | FetchCallback |
Callback function after fetch |
Param | Type |
item | Object |
label | String |
inst | Autocomplete |
Param | Type |
item | Object |
inst | Autocomplete |
Param | Type |
value | String |
inst | Autocomplete |
Param | Type |
response | Response |
inst | Autocomplete |
Param | Type |
e | Error |
signal | AbortSignal |
inst | Autocomplete |
- Use arrow down to show dropdown (and arrow up to hide it)
- If you have a really long list of options, a scrollbar will be used
- Access instance on a given element with Autocomplete.getInstance(myEl)
- Use type="search" for your inputs to get a clear icon
- You can use a custom renderer to display images, for example:
let data = [
"value": "My value",
"label": "My label",
"html": "<img src=\"/images/demo.jpg\"><span>My label</span>"
onRenderItem: function (item) {
return item.html;
You can have your items grouped by using the following syntax:
const src = [
group: "My Group Name",
items: [
value: "...",
label: "...",
This class does NOT depends on Bootstrap JS. If you are not using Bootstrap, you can simply implement the css the way you like it :-) or see demo.html
You can now use this as a custom element as part of my Formidable Elements collection.
Modern browsers (edge, chrome, firefox, safari... not IE11). Add a warning if necessary.
- Bootstrap 5 Tags: tags input for bootstrap
- BS Companion: the perfect bootstrap companion
- Admini: the minimalistic bootstrap 5 admin panel