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Log Formats

Carl Lemaire edited this page Apr 3, 2020 · 1 revision

HyperTrainer will look for certain .log files in the output path of your scripts. These files should contain tsv data (tab-separated values).

  • progress.log: Training progress at the iteration level. Expected columns:
    • epoch_index
    • phase (e.g. 'train' or 'valid')
    • iteration_index
    • num_iter_per_epoch
    • unix_timestamp
  • metric_*.log: Value of a metric at each epoch (e.g. training loss). This will generate a line plot. Expected columns:
    • epoch_index
    • value
  • metric_classwise_*.log: Value of a metric for each class, at each epoch. This will generate a multi-line plot. Expected columns:
    • epoch_index
    • class_index_or_str
    • value
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