namespace: be.wl name: PersonSkills service: ZGW_UI5CON_SRV
Remove /FG2 from service url in manifest.json
Add CoreService
sap.ui.define([ "sap/ui/base/Object" ], function (Object) { "use strict"; return Object.extend("be.wl.PersonSkills.service.CoreService", { constructor: function (model) {; if (model) { this.setModel(model); } }, setModel: function (model) { this.model = model; }, odata: function (url) { var me = this; var core = { ajax: function (type, url, data, parameters) { var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var args = []; var params = {}; args.push(url); if (data) { args.push(data); } if (parameters) { params = parameters; } params.success = function (result, response) { resolve({ data: result, response: response }); }; params.error = function (error) { reject(error); }; args.push(params); me.model[type].apply(me.model, args); }); return promise; } }; return { 'get': function (params) { return core.ajax('read', url, false, params); }, 'post': function (data, params) { return core.ajax('create', url, data, params); }, 'put': function (data, params) { return core.ajax('update', url, data, params); }, 'delete': function (params) { return core.ajax('remove', url, false, params); } }; }, http: function (url) { var core = { ajax: function (method, url, headers, args, mimetype) { var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var client = new XMLHttpRequest(); var uri = url; if (args && method === 'GET') { uri += '?'; var argcount = 0; for (var key in args) { if (args.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (argcount++) { uri += '&'; } uri += encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(args[key]); } } } if (args && (method === 'POST' || method === 'PUT')) { var data = {}; for (var keyp in args) { if (args.hasOwnProperty(keyp)) { data[keyp] = args[keyp]; } } }, uri); if (method === 'POST' || method === 'PUT') { client.setRequestHeader("accept", "application/json"); client.setRequestHeader("content-type", "application/json"); } for (var keyh in headers) { if (headers.hasOwnProperty(keyh)) { client.setRequestHeader(keyh, headers[keyh]); } } if (data) { client.send(JSON.stringify(data)); } else { client.send(); } client.onload = function () { if (this.status == 200) { resolve(this.response); } else { reject(this.statusText); } }; client.onerror = function () { reject(this.statusText); }; }); return promise; } }; return { 'get': function (headers, args) { return core.ajax('GET', url, headers, args); }, 'post': function (headers, args) { return core.ajax('POST', url, headers, args); }, 'put': function (headers, args) { return core.ajax('PUT', url, headers, args); }, 'delete': function (headers, args) { return core.ajax('DELETE', url, headers, args); } }; } }); });
Add PersonService
sap.ui.define([ "./CoreService", "sap/ui/model/Sorter" ], function (CoreService, Sorter) { "use strict"; var PersonService = CoreService.extend("be.wl.PersonSkills.service.PersonService", { constructor: function (model) {, model); } }); return PersonService;});
Add get function for person
getPerson: function (id) { var sObjectPath = this.model.createKey("/Persons", { Id: id }); var mParameters = { urlParameters: { $expand: "PersonHasSkills" } }; return this.odata(sObjectPath).get(mParameters); }
Register service in component
PERSON:"Person", this._oPersonService = new PersonService(this.getModel()); getService: function (sService) { return this["_o" + sService + "Service"]; },
show promise advantage in controller
remove functions:
- _onMetadataLoaded, onListUpdateFinished, _bindView, _onBindingChange
add line in object matched when metadata finished:
this.getOwnerComponent().oListSelector.selectAListItem("/" + sObjectPath);
add service to the detail controller
this.PersonService= this.getOwnerComponent().getService(this.getOwnerComponent().PERSON);
add service request in objectmatched fn
this.getModel().metadataLoaded().then(() => { var sObjectPath = this.getModel().createKey("Persons", { Id: sObjectId }); this.getOwnerComponent().oListSelector.selectAListItem("/" + sObjectPath); this.PersonService.getPerson(sObjectId).then((result)=>{ this.setModel(new JSONModel(,"pers"); }); });
bind person details
{pers>/Firstname} items="{pers>/PersonHasSkills/results}" pers>
add state
add base object
sap.ui.define([ "sap/ui/base/Object", "sap/ui/model/json/JSONModel" ], function (Object, JSONModel) { "use strict"; return Object.extend("be.wl.PersonSkills.model.BaseObject", { constructor: function (data) { this.copyValues(data); if (this.isState) { this.getModel().attachPropertyChange((oProperty) => { // this["update" + oProperty.getParameter("path")] && this["update" + oProperty.getParameter("path").substr(1)](); var fChangeFunction = this.getChangeFunction(oProperty.getParameter("path")); this.callChangeFunction(fChangeFunction, oProperty); if (oProperty.getParameter("context")) { fChangeFunction = this.getChangeFunction(oProperty.getParameter("context").getPath() + "/" + oProperty.getParameter("path")); this.callChangeFunction(fChangeFunction, oProperty.getParameter("context").getObject(), oProperty); //call parent var sPath = oProperty.getParameter("context").getPath(); var sParent = sPath.split("/")[sPath.split("/").length - 1]; if (!isNaN(parseInt(sParent))) { //in case of integer it's probably an array and we need to go one level up sPath = sPath.split("/").slice(0, sPath.split("/").length - 1).join("/"); } var sSourcePath = sPath.split("/").slice(0, sPath.split("/").length - 1).join("/"); var oSource = (sSourcePath && oProperty.getParameter("context").getModel().getProperty(sSourcePath)); fChangeFunction = this.getChangeFunction(sPath); this.callChangeFunction(fChangeFunction, (oSource || oProperty.getParameter("context").getObject()), oProperty); } }, this); } }, getChangeFunction: function (sPath) { sPath = sPath.substr(0, 1) === "/" ? sPath.substr(1) : sPath; return sPath.split("/").reduce(function (prev, curr, idx, array) { if (idx === array.length - 1) { return prev[curr + "Changed"]; } return curr && curr.length > 0 && prev ? prev[curr] : prev; }, this); }, callChangeFunction: function (fChangeFunction, scope, args) { fChangeFunction && fChangeFunction.apply(scope, args); }, copyValues: function (data) { if (data) { for (var field in data) { switch (typeof (data[field])) { case "object": if (data[field] && data[field]["results"]) { this[field] = data[field]["results"]; } break; default: this[field] = data[field]; } } } }, getModel: function () { if (!this.model) { this.model = new JSONModel(this, true); //this.model.setData(this); } return this.model; }, updateModel: function (bHardRefresh) { if (this.model) { this.model.refresh(bHardRefresh ? true : false); } } }); });
create person state
sap.ui.define(["../model/BaseObject"], function (BaseObject) { "use strict"; var PersonState = BaseObject.extend("be.wl.PersonSkills.state.PersonState", { constructor: function (oService) { = { Person : {}, display : true }; this.PersonService = oService;, { isState: true }); } }); return PersonState; });
add getPerson to state
getPerson: function (id) { return this.PersonService.getPerson(id).then((result) => { =; = true; this.updateModel(); return; }); }
add to component
this._oPersonState = new PersonState(this._oPersonService); ,getState: function (sState) { return this["_o" + sState + "State"]; }
update view controller
this.PersonState = this.getOwnerComponent().getState(this.getOwnerComponent().PERSON); this.setModel(this.PersonState.getModel(), "pers");
update view controller - on matched fn
update view bindings ( pers + /Person )
text="{pers>/Person/Firstname} {pers>/Person/Lastname}"
add objects
sap.ui.define([ "./BaseObject" ], function (BaseObject) { "use strict"; return BaseObject.extend("be.wl.PersonSkills.model.Skill", { constructor: function (data) {, data); this.Editable = true; this.Deletable = false; }, isEmpty:function(){ return this.SkillName === "" || this.Score === 0; }, isNotEmpty:function(){ return this.SkillName !== "" && this.Score >= 0; }, getJSON: function () { return { Id: this.Id || 0, PersonId: this.PersonId || 0, SkillName: this.SkillName || "", Score: this.Score || 0 }; } }); });
sap.ui.define([ "./BaseObject", "./Skill" ], function (BaseObject, Skill) { "use strict"; return BaseObject.extend("be.wl.PersonSkills.model.Person", { constructor: function (data) {, data); this.Skills = []; if (data) { this.Birthdate = data.Birthdate; this.setSkills(data.PersonHasSkills.results); } }, deleteSkill: function (iIndex) { this.Skills.splice(iIndex, 1); }, addEmptySkill: function () { this.Skills.push(new Skill({ SkillName: "", Score: "" })); }, setSkills: function (aSkills) { this.Skills = => new Skill(oSkill)); }, getSkills: function () { return this.Skills.filter((oSkill) => oSkill.isNotEmpty()).map((oSkill) => oSkill.getJSON()); }, getJSON: function () { return { Id: this.Id || 0, Firstname: this.Firstname || "", Lastname: this.Lastname || "", Company: "", Birthdate: this.Birthdate || "", PersonHasSkills: this.getSkills() }; } }); });
setskills update personstate -> use Person object
"../model/Person" = new Person(); = new Person(;
update view -> remove results
Create empty Person object
createPerson: function () { = new Person();; = false; this.updateModel(); },
update detail controller route matched
if (sObjectId === "NEW") { this.PersonState.createPerson(); } else { this.getModel().metadataLoaded().then(() => { var sObjectPath = this.getModel().createKey("Persons", { Id: sObjectId }); this.getOwnerComponent().oListSelector.selectAListItem("/" + sObjectPath); this.PersonState.getPerson(sObjectId); }); }
add create button to master
<semantic:addAction> <semantic:AddAction press=".onCreatePerson"/> </semantic:addAction>
add create fn to controller
onCreatePerson:function(oEvent){ var bReplace = !; // set the layout property of FCL control to show two columns this.getOwnerComponent().oListSelector.clearMasterListSelection(); this.getModel("appView").setProperty("/layout", "TwoColumnsMidExpanded"); this.getRouter().navTo("object", { objectId : "NEW" }, bReplace); },
add property "display" to state
add form for name and skills
xmlns:l="sap.ui.layout" xmlns:f="sap.ui.layout.form" <l:VerticalLayout width="100%"> <f:Form id="generalform" editable="true" visible="{= !${pers>/display}}"> <f:layout> <f:ResponsiveGridLayout labelSpanXL="3" labelSpanL="3" labelSpanM="4" labelSpanS="12" adjustLabelSpan="false" emptySpanXL="0" emptySpanL="4" emptySpanM="0" emptySpanS="0" columnsXL="2" columnsL="1" columnsM="1" singleContainerFullSize="false"/> </f:layout> <f:formContainers> <f:FormContainer title=" "> <f:formElements> <f:FormElement label="Firstname"> <f:fields> <Input value="{pers>/Person/Firstname}"/> </f:fields> </f:FormElement> <f:FormElement label="Lastname"> <f:fields> <Input value="{pers>/Person/Lastname}"/> </f:fields> </f:FormElement> <f:FormElement label="Birthdate"> <f:fields> <DatePicker value="{path: 'pers>/Person/Birthdate', type: 'sap.ui.model.type.Date', formatOptions: { pattern: 'dd/MM/YYYY' , UTC:true}}"/> </f:fields> </f:FormElement> </f:formElements> </f:FormContainer> </f:formContainers> </f:Form> <Table visible="{pers>/display}" id="lineItemsList" width="auto" items="{pers>/Person/Skills}" noDataText="{i18n>detailLineItemTableNoDataText}" busyIndicatorDelay="{detailView>/lineItemTableDelay}"> <headerToolbar> <Toolbar> <Title id="lineItemsTitle" text="{detailView>/lineItemListTitle}" titleStyle="H3" level="H3"/> </Toolbar> </headerToolbar> <columns> <Column> <Text text="{i18n>detailLineItemTableIDColumn}"/> </Column> <Column minScreenWidth="Tablet" demandPopin="true" hAlign="End"> <Text text="{i18n>detailLineItemTableUnitNumberColumn}"/> </Column> </columns> <items> <ColumnListItem> <cells> <ObjectIdentifier title="{pers>SkillName}" text="{Id}"/> <ObjectNumber number="{ path: 'pers>Score', formatter: '.formatter.currencyValue' }"/> </cells> </ColumnListItem> </items> </Table> <Table items="{pers>/Person/Skills}" fixedLayout="false" visible="{= !${pers>/display}}"> <headerToolbar> <Toolbar> <Title text="Total: {pers>/Person/Total}" titleStyle="H3" level="H3"/> </Toolbar> </headerToolbar> <columns> <Column > <Text text="Skill"/> </Column> <Column > <Text text="Score"/> </Column> <Column > <Text text="Edit"/> </Column> <Column > <Text text="Delete"/> </Column> </columns> <items> <ColumnListItem> <cells> <Input value="{pers>SkillName}" editable="{pers>Editable}"/> <Input value="{path:'pers>Score',type: 'sap.ui.model.type.Integer'}" editable="{pers>Editable}"/> <l:VerticalLayout width="100%"> <ToggleButton icon="sap-icon://{= ${pers>Editable}?'display':'edit' }" pressed="{pers>Editable}" /> </l:VerticalLayout> <Button icon="sap-icon://delete" visible="{pers>Deletable}" press=".onDeleteSkill"/> </cells> </ColumnListItem> </items> </Table> </l:VerticalLayout>
add create function in service en state
, createPerson:function(oPerson){ var oData = oPerson.getJSON(); return this.odata("/Persons").post(oData); }
newPerson: function () { return this.PersonService.createPerson( =>; },
add toolbar for save
add save button
<semantic:footerMainAction > <semantic:FooterMainAction visible="{= !${pers>/display}}" text="Save" press=".onSave"/> </semantic:footerMainAction>
add save to controller
onSave: function (oEvent) { this.PersonState.newPerson().then((id) => { this.getRouter().navTo("object", { objectId: id }, true); }); },
delete skill
add to basecontroller
getIndexFromPath: function (oSource) { var sPath = oSource.getBindingContext("pers").getPath(); return parseInt(sPath.substr(sPath.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)); },
add to detail controller
onDeleteSkill:function(oEvent){ this.PersonState.deletePersonSkill(this.getIndexFromPath(oEvent.getSource())); },
add to state
deletePersonSkill: function (iIndex) {; // this.updateModel(); }
on more thing
- reactive!
UI Changes properties -> only on UI5 changes
SkillNameChanged: function (oEvent) { this.changeEditable(); }, ScoreChanged: function (oEvent) { this.changeEditable(); }, changeEditable: function () { this.Editable = !(this.SkillName && this.Score); this.Deletable = !!(this.SkillName || this.Score); },
SkillsChanged: function (oEvent) { if (!this.Skills.some((oSkill) => oSkill.isEmpty())) { this.addEmptySkill(); } },
Calculated properties - Person total - changes of other values
Object.defineProperty(this, "Total", { get: () => { return (this.getSkills().reduce((iTotal, oSkill) => { iTotal += oSkill.Score return iTotal; }, 0) / this.getSkills().length )|| 0; } });
remove refresh model -> observables
createPerson: function () { // this.Person = new Person(); var oPerson = new Person(); this.Person = ObservableSlim.create(oPerson, true, (changes)=>{ console.log(JSON.stringify(changes)); this.updateModel(); }); this.Person.addEmptySkill(); this.display = false; // this.updateModel(); },
- reactive!