The Spark Project & Asset Manager is a web application originally developed at Spark Digital Entertainment to help manage the production workflow of a 3d animation or VFX pipeline
Create a directory where to install SPAM:
$ mkdir ~/spam_development
Move to the newly created directory:
$ cd ~/spam_development
Create a virtual environment:
$ virtualenv --no-site-packages spamenv
Activate the virtual environment:
$ source spamenv/bin/activate
Clone SPAM repository:
$ git clone
Move to the newly created spam source directory:
$ cd spam
Install all requirements, create egginfo and install in the virtualenv in develop mode:
$ python develop -i
Edit the configuration file development.ini
for your environment
Setup the application (this setup a database and creates data directories):
$ paster setup-app --name=SPAM development.ini
Allow the virtualenv to access locally installed packages (needed for gstreamer-python):
$ rm ../spamenv/lib/python2.6/no-global-site-packages.txt
Serve SPAM through a paste server:
$ paster serve --reload development.ini
Access spam from a web-browser:
Log-in as:
User name: admin Password: none
Enjoy :)